

Dreams Never Fail- Chapter 2
I pulled myself out of bed, knowing that I couldnt lay there all day. It was the first day of summer vacation, so you'd think an upcoming senior could sleep in. But I had shit to do. Money to make. Sometimes I hated my life. When I got downstairs I saw my father at the table with a big bearded man and a woman dressed like a hooker. Who knew? Maybe she was.

"Hey dad . . . what are doing up so early?" I asked, utterly bewildered. I had never seen him up before noon.

"Up? We never fell asleep!" the bearded man bellowed.

They were definitely high on something.
I stared at the intimidating stack of dishes in the sink and knew that they had been eating all night. I had some shopping to do.
I made a list in my head of all of things I needed to get done. I was already stressed out.
I ignored the cracked-out strangers in my home and made my way into the kitchen. I opened a cupboard and saw that they had eaten all of the cereal. I was pissed. I whirled around,

"Hey dad? What happened to all of the cereal?" I didnt bother hiding the anger in my voice.
"Umm . . . we ate it? what do you think? And what does it matter anyway? You have a job. stop by McDonalds or something on the way to work." he snarked at me.

" Are you kidding me? Are you fucking serious? You have an 11-year-old daughter that doesnt work and I wont be here to cook so what the hell is she gonna eat? Does she just not matter? You are so immature and irresponsible! For christs sake!" I stomped up the stairs and heard them laughing like hyenas behind me.

I walked into my sisters room and sat down on her bed.
"Hey, you up?"

"Yeah. I heard you yelling." she yawned.

"I'm sorry, Cassie. I really am. I'm gonna have to take you to work with me today. I cant have you here with dad and his friends, okay?" I felt terrible.

"Yes thats fine. But, Cress, we should still stop at McDonalds for breakfast though." I laughed and patted her leg.

"Sounds like a plan. Now get ready. You have half an hour."

Cassie sat at a booth I reserved for her at Gojo's, A resruraunt that I cooked for, and colored pictures the whole day. afterwards, I drove her to a friends house because I didnt want her going back home. I went to my second job and that ran until near midnight. When I got home, my father wasn't there. I was exhausted and starved, so very, very grateful.

I made my self a grilled cheese with the last of our bread and then did the dishes. I'd go shopping tommorow before my shift at Gojo's.

I took a long, hot shower. Not caring about the water bill. I stepped out and wrapped myself up in a towel. I stared at my reflection in the mirror through the steam.
How did my life end up this way? Why did I let it? How could I change it? Would I ever be more than this? Sometimes I hated the world for the cards it dealt me. But most of all, I hated myself for not knowing how to play them.