


After leaving Pennacio's bedside, the Centurion summoned his household to assemble at the antica. As he addressed them about his decision to embark on a quest to find a cure for Pennacio's sickness, he made a solemn promise.

He declared that he would do the same for every single member of his household, for he believed that being a servant did not make one any less human. In his eyes, all humans deserved to be treated with and value. The room fell into a hushed silence, not even a pin drop could be heard.

The Centurion entrusted his entire estate to Cornelius, asking him to manage it in his stead. The entire household was overcome with emotion, some weeping openly, for the Centurion was dearly loved by all. He was indeed a great man.

SELAH Pause and ponder:
•What's your story?
•What will you be remembered for when you're long gone?
•It is not how long you live but how well you impact others.

His household wished him godspeed on his journey and promised to take good care of his estate while eagerly awaiting his return. The Centurion, deeply moved by the overwhelming show of love, couldn't contain his tears.

He bid his household farewell and set out with a group of his able-bodied soldiers, carrying the supplies they would need for the arduous journey. The Centurion's resolve was unbreakable. He declared, "If we perish, so be it, but we will not sit and wail like those who have no hope." His mind was made up, and no one could deter him from his noble decision.


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