

The Kingston magical school Part 2
Chapter 2. "Moving"
I was awaken by a familiar voice
"It's time to start packing, get up!"
"It's too early, can't we wait a little more longer "
"It's already 5:00 pm, don't u know any thing?"
"I was sleeping, how will I know?"
"Well, whatever, get up! "
"yeah yeah"
I get up half asleep and make my way towards the bathroom,after I come out of the bathroom after taking a shower, i start making choices for which outfit should i wear
"are u done? "comes my sisters voice, Natalie
"Almost "
"Hurry, mom is waiting impatiently "
"Okay then, lemme hurry"
Mom is very scary when she get's angry, Her horns and wings come out and boy does she makes a scary mother
As I start packing I start finding all the things that I lost and we're never found again, I smile as I remember how much I used to cry because I couldn't find the things that I lost, I will miss this place for sure
When I come down with my suitcase, I see my mom already dressed like she is going to a ball, I have never seen the dress before, I may sound weird but I could have worn it to my rich friends birthday, where was that dress and why did she hide it from me?
I think she must have read my mind because then she replied to my thoughts with the answer that I needed
"It was given to me on my wedding day and I thought to keep it until the right moment and I hid it be I was afraid if Millie might torn it apart, so now is the time to wear this so I wore it, any other questions? "
"oh Heh, no other questions"