

Reincarnation (Chapter 7)

~Host it's your fault for sneaking out...~

Well currently there's a convict on the loose and they are holding a hostage.

Bringing them away from the crowds and guards to a secluded area.

Ironically... That hostage happens to be me!

I shrugged.


~N-no I heard nothing haha...~

I murmured softly out loud.


"Don't even think of screaming for help. The guards won't help you." He scoffed at me since he saw me murmur under my breath with a concentrated look.

"Oh. No worries~" I said in a sing song voice, grinning at him.

~W-what is it host?~


~U-uhhh... Second mistake?~

~T-that was a surprisingly normal reply...~

"Oh, let's tie up your legs just incase you run away." He spoke up from behind his hood, efficiently tying up my ankles together.

[*Dark aura*]

~Uh oh... H-host... W-what about the third mistake?~


~H-host?~ He called out shakily.

<... His third mistake is not covering my mout->

As soon as I thought about it he stuffed a cloth in my mouth as I gritted in anger.

At that moment when he stuffed some cloth in my mouth, I headbutted him in the solar plexus...

~Host you did it!~


~D-don't call me that... I've got goosebumps.~

Swiftly, I used a somewhat jagged rock on the floor to cut the ropes off like in the movies.

But when it didn't work I gave up and just broke it purely with my strength.

~W-what the heck? You just...~

~Did you jus-~


I untied myself before going towards the unconscious guy, "Ngh..." I heard him groaning out in pain, shifting around the floor.

I found some excess ropes to tie him onto the chair.

He finally stirred awake as he looked at me shocked, "Let me go!" He exclaimed angrily, trying to free himself.

"Nah ah ah~ Wouldn't want the guards to find out right?" I giggled, walking around him as his eyes frantically followed my figure.

"Why yo-!" He exclaimed angrily as I quickly stuffed the cloth in his mouth.

"Now~ Shall we begin." I said with an evil smirk.

• • •

I searched his whole clothes to find four pouches filled with gold coins, looking back to see an almost dead corpse on the floor with his skin peeling, almost melting away from his bones.

"Thanks for the money~" I laughed before leaving the small house.

Of course I purposely made it seem like acid fell onto him so...

~Y-you... Murdered him... You actually killed someone...~



[A/N: I probably didn't mention any tasks for her in the previous chapters but if I did please tell me.]

~Reach favourability of 300 with your brother.~

~Make a lot of money.~

~Last task is to... What the... It changed!?~

I asked him confusedly.

~Previously it was to live a comfortable life but now it changed to, 'Become a well-known figure.'~

~I-I... No!~

I finally found my way back to the marketplace, turns out it was not too far away from it so it took about a 10 minute walk for me.

~It was far away! You just walk quickly! VERY quickly!~ The system exclaim out.

~I-I... I don't know as well.~

I shrugged it off as I wandered along the streets in search of good food.

"Young master why don't you come in? You'll enjoy yourself thoroughly." A woman standing outside of what seems like a brothel called out to me as I stopped in my tracks.

Turning to face her I asked, "Is there good food?"

"O-of course! As well as entertainment and wines." She boasted slightly as I nodded, "Alright than." Going in with her into the brothel.

It was noisy as expected, but the interior were very extravagant as if a festival or some well-known figure is here.

"Today~ We have a new waiter! The highest bid will get to spend a time with him~" A voice purr out into the microphone as the crowd erupted in cheers.

A person wearing a veil came out from the curtains onto the stage with ropes around his hands.

"Remember not to untie him later on~" She purred out once more, winking at a certain section of the crowd as their faces went bright red.

"We shall start with 15silver coins." A person stated.

Everybody in the crowds began murmuring amongst themselves, as the host stared on in anticipation of how high the bid will be.

"Well judging by how smooth his hands are, he must be gorgeous." Some whispered wondering how beautiful he might look like.

"If it's the looks you guys are worried about." The host said as she signalled something with her hand.

The veil went off as everyone stared in wonder, the males face was framed with his exquisite bright red eyes, gleaming under the light with a look of defiance and hatred blaring sharply.

The mole beneath his right eye further enhanced his beauty as everyone gulped at how beautiful he is.

His dark midnight hair which spilled all over the stage like a waterfall as it sparkled slightly.

~You think?~

~Hm... True.~

And that was when the bids came streaming in.

"50 silver!" "300 silver!"

I sighed before raising my hand, "2 Gold." I calmly said.

~Y-you're bidding on him!?~



The whole crowd went silent at what I offered as another rose her hand, "10 Gold."

I turned to see a beautiful lady...

Jk it was just the FL, crossdressing like me as well.

~Uh yes...~

"20 gold." I said as I watch her grit her teeth in frustration.

I mocked her internally.

"25 gold..." She spat out, glaring at me harshly.

"30 gold~" I said.

"3-30 gold and 400 silvers." She said out shakily, clenching her fists tightly.

"Aiyo~ Sorry young lady but he'll be mine. 31 gold." I bided, her maid whispered into her ears as she brightened up.

"35 Gold." She said with profound enthusiasm.

~Now they have 50 gold master.~

"50 gold." I quickly shot the price up as everyone gasped at the amount, "5-50 Gold and 300 silvers."

"51 gold." I glanced at her coldly as she shivered, looking down in anger from the lack of money she had.

"T-the highest bidder is this young man over here." The announcer exclaimed, pointing at my direction.

Everyone scattered afterwards and went to their regular places, drinking and talking again as the place became more lively sounding.

I went up to the host to pay when I offered, "80 more gold to buy the man."

"S-sorry but he's not for sale..." I saw her waver slightly at the amount when I sighed, "90 gold." I offered more.

"I-I..." She faltered slightly.

"120 gold." I stated as her eyes lit up, "Okay young master but under one condition..." She said, I rose my brow and nodded indicating for hee to continue.

"Don't tell anyone you bought him from here." She said, Easy enough.

"Of course." I nodded, "Well here's his contract and he'll be all yours. We'll even give you a room to stay in for free for one night." The host said holding out the contract as I scanned through it.

"So he'll listen to my every order right?" I asked, "Yes otherwise he'll suffer from the internal pain." The host nodded.

"Okay." I said, signing the contract.

"Where's the room?" I asked since it was getting quite late, "Ah Guan! Guide this esteem guest to his room." The host commanded as a guy appeared and led the way with his head down.

"This is your room esteemed guest. If you would like anything please ring the bell." He informed before leaving as I opened the doors.

Seeing how humongous and neat the interior is, I whistled in enjoyment.

I went towards the bed, prepared to jump on it when I saw that guy sitting on my bed with a resolute expression.

"Hey..." I trailed off awkwardly as he turned towards me and glared, "Get off the bed." I said, as he stared at me shock.

"You... Don't want to sleep with me?" He stutter out.

"On second thought, stay on the bed." I replied with a sly grin on my face.

As expected his expression darkens before he spat out angrily, "You can't control me."

"I bought you so technically I can." I said, "W-what?" He turned to face me abruptly with an angry look.

"Just lie down in bed." I commanded, he sat still for a moment before going lying down with acquiesce.

"Here I come baby!" I exclaimed pouncing onto the bed as closed his eyes shut.

I landed on the bed with a slight bounce as I giggled slightly.

I thought back.

I turned to face the man as he slowly opened his eyes, I crawled over him like a kabedon but on the bed itself as I stared into his eyes.

"You..." I trailed off before sighing, "Nevermind." I tumbled onto my back.

~What is it host?~

The guy stared at me cautiously with every move I make, "What's your name." I asked out boredly on bed.

"... I don't have one." He mumbled gloomily, "Than... I'll call you Ying Jun."

[Ying Jun means handsome.]

"Okay..." He trailed off, "Now let's sleep together." I said turning to face him as he closed his eyes shut, I hugged him like my pillow and murmured for him to sleep as well.

Slowly feeling his breathing smoothen before I fully went to sleep.

[His Pov...]

"This silly guy... He even let his guard down... Doesn't he know that I can kill him easily?" I murmured softly under my breath, staring at the guy in front of me mumble under his breath.

The moonlight reflected off of his pale skin making it glow, "Master. This subordinate deserves to die for allowing them to kidnap you." 1 jumped down to the side of the bed with his head down.

"Go to the Zhao courtyard for your punishment." I tch'ed lightly in response, "Thank you for your kindness master. Shall I dispose of this guy for you." 1 asked.

_Yes._ Was what resounded in my head.

But my mouth opened and uttered out, "No..."

"Now leave." I commanded him, he nodded and left swiftly.

_Why... Why do I have a strong desire to protect him so much?_ I questioned myself as I lifted my hand to brush a few strands off his face.

"Nnghh..." I heard him groan as I stiffened up, "Shaun..." He mumbled under his breath as my face hardened.

"Shaun...? You shouldn't be murmuring any other names master." I murmured, lifting his chin up.

I gave him a gentle supple kiss before gently brushing his jaw line, tracing it smoothly.

"Shaun... You're acting out again." She grumbled out under her breath with a light frown on her face.

"That guy... If I find out who he is..." My gaze darkened slightly at the thought of finding the guy.

"Ying..." I broke out of my dark thoughts and leaned slightly nearer as I hear him say part of my name.

_Why do I even feel like this?_

"YING YANG POWER!" He exclaimed out into my ears as I jerked back by how loud it was.

Rubbing my aching ears, I stared at his sleeping face, it was so peaceful that I couldn't help myself to wake him up.

"Fine... I'll let you off today." I murmured before laying down on the bed comfortably, turning the other direction to rest.

I felt the warmth escape me as I let out a sigh.

But suddenly, the warmth returned back to me as I felt his arms and legs wrap around my body.

_I guess this shall do..._
© Naruko