

A Grim Twist of Fate - Chapter 1

The tree beside Shea's head splintered as the fireball hit it.

"Wow. That was a close one," she thought. "I really need to pay more attention."

"Focus Shea!" Master Drake's rough voice called out. "You must focus!"

He sent another shower of fireballs her way. A grim look lined his face as he watched her dodge them with efficiency albeit clumsiness. Whatever had he been thinking when he agreed to be her master. If it wasn't for High Master Greta he never would have agreed to this. She'd assured him this girl would be an asset to the order one day, but he had his doubts. What she saw in her, he'd never know, but it was her wishes and he would follow them.

He watched as she wondered off into space once more and grimaced. If she wouldn't pay attention then he'd be forced to teach her a lesson. Maybe a loss in pride would bring her back down to earth. Carefully gathering his power and train of thought he conjured up the tiniest of fireballs. Twirling it in his hands he waited for the perfect moment and Bam!

"That should do it," he thought as smoke curled up from her hairline at her temples.

"Aaaaaeeeeeeee!" Shea cried out in horror. "My hair! You singed my hair!"

"Well, I told you to focus! Now focus!"
© Raeya