

3 Aliens

One day unexpectedly
3 Aliens visited earth
They see models catwalk
Lots of models walking ..

But they got bored by it

Alien 1 :
Full kachra is
models aroma


Alien 2:
Hey friends ..
I feel fragrance aroma

Alien boss :
Then it must be
Musu angel aura
it is aromatic..
I have overheard
About her from angels

Actually musu was
Traveling on her scooty
In a nearby place

So they missed to
See her ...

Then aliens go to
7star hotel

They order food ..
Waiters bring
The best food
From the hotel

After tasting it

Alien 1:
Yucky so flat
I am depressed
By this gummy taste

Alien 2:
Stale smell ..
Yuck yuck yuck


Alien boss :
Hey ..I smell a great
Fresh aroma ...

They see amu opening
Tiffin and eating his lunch
That is made by musujaan

So the aliens request amu

Alien boss:
Hi ..we are mesmerized
By the aroma of your food
We are also famished
So could you please
Give us some food ??

Certainly..have some

Amu gives some food
To the 3 aliens

The aliens totally relish
The food

Alien 1 :
Waaaaaaw .. waaaaaaw
Omg ..finger - licking taste

Alien 2:
Scrumptious super ...
Super super ..tasty

Alien boss:
Definitely superlative taste
Who made this food..you ?

Amu :
C'mon now...
I not know cooking

Alien 1:
Then who made this
Yummiest biriyani food
In this whole universe ??

Amu :
My sweetheart darling
Her name is Muskaan

Alien boss :
Hey wait ..
We have heard about her
Body aura is aromatic
That muskaan??

Amu :
Yes.. absolutely

Alien boss:
Musu made food is
Also so aromatic

Amu :
Yes musu is fully
100% Aromatic

3 aliens :
Thanks amu....
Gotta go ..see you later

They say goodbye
And vanished from
Amu sight ...

© amusu