

I was in Bangalore at that time. this incident is so old that I was in second class. I was new in school so I didn't new so much about it. So, after the lunch break I went into the toilet I heard a sweet song, but there was no one in the toilet accepting me. The voice seemed to be of a girl. I ignored it for some time.But suddenly the voice raised slowly and slowly. I checked everywhere in the toilet but there was no one. suddenly the sound stopped and I felt that my feet were becoming havier and I was not able to take a single step. I was very scared. suddenly, I heard a strange sound of the door's opening, it was the door that was in front of me. I heard a girl calling my name. I was very very scared on that moment. Suddenly I noticed that my feet were normal and suddenly the whole atmosphere of the toilet change back to normal. I turned back to run from the toilet, I saw that here was a sweeper woman who was standing between the door. she was continuesly looking at me. I rushed out of the toilet and went in my class. I told this think to my teacher but she told me that this can be Your's imagination. But in the buss I told this incident to a young boy he told me that 2 years ago a women was mysteriously died in the toilet and many students believed that her soul is in this toilet from that day and many other students also had experienced this.By Hearing this I remain in shock for some minutes.