

You can Make it Again!
As we come to the folding of year 2021, let not our focus be zeroed on challenges and regrets but on milestones and achievements made. We must not be purtubed by the severity of challenges and stones thrown into our way to success but we must be encouraged by the amount of potential we possess. The river cuts through the rock not because of its power but because of persistence. As we persistently work on achieving our goals let's keep in mind that we possess all the necessary skills, the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the Stars to change the world. Make it your goal to make the coming year 2022 a masterpiece. Imagine no limitations on what you ought to do. Shake off all limits and rise above the standard. Never let 2021 take up much of 2022. Be fired up, be achievement craze. At times you will notice that people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who really do. Mentality of settling for defeats has gone to the dustbins. We may encounter many defeats but we must never be defeated. Take risks in your journey to accomplishment. Go for the deep waters. They say he who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. Let us begin to move in the direction that we have long planned for. Do that degree you long applied for. Open that company you long registered. Publish that book that you have long written . The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. Indeed in this journey resources will never be enough but do what you can with all you have wherever you are. In conclusion I say to the Motivational Pathways family; the future belongs to the competent, get good, get better, get best. You were born to win, so be a winner, plan to win prepare to win and always expect to win .
© Motivational Pathways International