

New Phone
Once upon a time, there was an old man and his granddaughter, he was always doing anything for his granddaughter. One day, the old man was buying a new phone for her granddaughter, instead he bought two phones, for him and his granddaughter. He misgave the phone he bought for him to his granddaughter, his granddaughter got mad at her grandfather, she called her grandmother, and told her what happened, but then a shocking truth was told by the grandmother...
The old man was buying a new phone and made the wallpaper saying, "HELP ME, YOUR MOTHER IS GONNA KILL ME" But the granddaughter is angry because he got her an old phone, the grandmother told her he misgave the phone, he was supposed to give you a brand new iphone with 104 GB in it. She was shock to know it, she cried and cried. Then she checked her grandfather everyday, she didn't even used her phone, but then one day, he was gone....