

My Music is Your Memories
This story is emphasizing on the heartbreak and nature of true love of man.
© tiara21
I always live with your sense of odour in me,you are the reason for my breathe.You left me all alone in the midst of wilderness of our love,all alone to live with your memories for life till my last breathe.You are my shelter,my breathe,my source of music and even my soul.Without you in my world,I am useless.
My lovely wife is named Rihana Rocker,she is what one can call beauty inside the ocean and also the blue sea.She is the reason for my Music career but she left me alone even with no one after losing our last hope:our darling little baby named Monica Rocker.Everywhere so filled with joy but end up in sadness when baby Monica happens to be thrown from a four storey building.She was my source of hope, always my pillar but how could my love leave me alone rather to take me along but I will live for her,with her memories as my music till my last breathe.She is the best wife,mother,sister,aunty,sister in-law, daughter one can have and wish for.Her memories brings both happiness and sorrow to my soul.Looking at her smile every morning was a blessing to my new day.We might fought and argue most of times like cat and dog but she is very dear to me and our argument memories is the best of all.
I can say she is the only loyal and honest bird I have ever imagined and met before.She is my mother for she cares for me,also my wife for she is my responsibility,also my sister for she is my gist partner,also my daughter for I really care for her,also my best friend for she advise me and we both have some cute playful moment together,also my friend because we laugh out our mind together and even gist about some useless cute stuffs.My wife is my life and soul,she is even the great reason behind my music career.
One blessed morning,I wake up so cool to the voice of the
birds with the sweetest sorrowful song in their mouth.I get up from my big large bed to prepare myself for my best biggest concert performance which tickets are being sold to many people who are so much eager to hear their favorite artist song.But not everyone hearing one's song can definitely tell what it means for they hear for their satisfaction while I sing the song out of pain, sorrow and sadness.I was immediately served a cup of tea by Nanny Paula who has always look after me since I was a baby who happens to be my Nanny and still she stands by me and I took her as my dearest mom.
She served me tea and instantly I remembered my lovely Rihanna whose memories is always with me.I remembered how I will wake up every morning and she will quickly serve me tea saying "My love,this is your favorite chocolate tea made of love and smile and don't tell me you won't have it or else I will treat you like a baby by forcing the tea into your mouth"and I will be like"You can't because you won't dare to and even Nanny Paula is around,so I will tell her to make me another sweet tasty tea"then she will become annoyed and she will finally as usual say"I can see,maybe She is your wife,you will tell me.Don't worry,some days will come when you will miss me a lot and so as my tea and I won't dare to look back and even answer you".....Her words then came to reality in which those days have finally come and I am now living with her memories with me.The view was off when I noticed I am still at home and need to practice my song for my best concert ever.I quickly rushed to my musical room to take my song book on the shelf and my guitar to practice when I saw a book beside my guitar then I look through it.Then I later learnt it was a book Rihana usually write and compose songs for me in which I sings often every time on stage.She was also my beloved composer and songs writer,she always compose songs for me and always with me by my side when practicing and on stage too.She never left my side but this time around,I am only remembering her memories as my strength and life in which I will always live by them.
Instantly,I changed my setting and song so I go practicing by dealing with the song she compose for me since she is not by my side but at least her song is with me in spirit.When thinking about Rihana,priscilia Rocker who happens to be my younger sister and my only sibling came straight to me to greet me in her always unworried cute voice with her cute dimples saying "You need to be fast bro,and I wish you all the best and I know you of course,you will always make me proud of you"I was so much in active with her words everyday because I love her than anything and I will never wish for her to lack anything she want for we lost our parents in a plane crash in which we survived with God grace.I start suffering and working for our daily need in which I make her eat even if I don't eat so Priscilia is very precious to me.She noticed my mood and say "Not again bro,and I Know aunty Rihana won't be Happy wherever she is, seeing you in this mood".Then I wipe off my mood and try to put on a smile.I got ready and went to my concert which went well and when done,I came home immediately to rest myself.
The beginning of our love story was the ending of our love story.I could still vividly remembered how we try to sort things out after the death of our baby Monica for we really departed and argued after the sudden scene.I was so happy for we are now in right mood as we work things out and that was the happiest day of my life in which I feel I am the most happiest person love has favoured with so much happiness in which I took her for shopping,bought her a white beautiful gown while I bought a black good looking suit for myself.It all look like a valentine toast day in which she really love the dress I bought her and the next day was her mom birthday I mean my mother-in-law birthday so it was a big celebration for both of us for I took her mom as my own biological mom since I did have the chance to have and take care of one.It was a great day,I personally decorate the field venue which was so quiet with balloons and love symbols and so on.She arrived there like a princess looking gorgeous always,I couldn't bear how lucky I am to have a good and beautiful wife like this.We spend time together dancing and so on but the time I want to tell her the most beautiful three words "I LOVE YOU".she insisted she was to use the restroom and she went to the restroom while I wait so eager for her.She came out in which I was so happy,then she remembered she bet with everyone at home that she will be the first person to wish her mom Happy Birthday Immediately at 12:00pm so it was almost to the time so she excuse herself to get her phone which is inside the car but I disturb her not letting her go but she later trick me and she left while I was waiting for her and that is how I am now still waiting for her now.Immediately,she left as she was looking for her phone inside the car although she has just seen it and almost to call her mom and come to me,that was when a big truck with a lost brake was coming so much in speed and then out of a blew ran into her inside the car and instantly the truck crashes and so as the car.It was then I heard a loud noise,then I went out just to see Rihana body full with flood of blood.I ran instantly and was so much in shock when I moved to her body but it was too late,she was gone instantly so as the truck driver.I was so dumbfounded of what to say in which she did not let me say my three lovely words.I pull out my bowl of tears dropping slowly on her body.Immediately her mom had this bad news, everywhere was suddenly full of tears not happiness.Her mom can't bear the pain of mourning on her daughter on her birthday.It was like a dream because i did not really believe for like two weeks.She left us in a journey of happiness,if I have known,I won't have allow her to leave me that night because without her in my life,I am useless, helpless and restless.She is my life,she gives me life and weakness at the same time.I wonder what I can do without her in my space.
When so much in thought and pains,I noticed Nanny Paula watching me since at the door and shockingly I asked "What is wrong Nanny Paula,what is the problem".I asked as if I was not thinking but she know I am going to hide my feelings and pains so she smiled and came near to me and sit beside me on my bed.She immediately lay my head on her laps so as to console me like my mom usually do when she is alive.She touch my face consoling me and immediately my hidden tears keep dropping off so slowly on my face.Then I asked her a question saying"is it good how Rihana left me all alone ? how can she go when she knows I love her than myself?".She look at me and smiled saying "You need to be strong,no matter how much you love her,she will leave you one day,her time to go has come and no one can do anything to it".She said this immediately as I feel the word as she was consoling me calmly.Nanny Paula knew I miss Rihana a lot and hurt by it because I am a successful man also a successful singer with a good career in which I gain everyone's support and have more than 200m followers and fans following me both physically and also on my social media page,also I am blessed with a lot of wealth at my tender normal age but I happens to lose both my wife and my baby daughter.When she was born into our lives,she was my source of Hope and that was the day I felt fatherhood for the first time of my entire life.
She was so cute and little and I usually carry her in my arms all around the house and sometimes I carry her along with my guitar,then I will go to the terrace where everything is quiet and peaceful,and I will start to sing songs specially for her and she will keep giggling with her cute dimples which brightens my day up.I was so used to her presence,cries so as that of her mother but it seems everything just flew away from me which kept me inside darkness.Even Rihana usually say Monica looks exactly like me as if she is my photo copy but it seems true but her smile is surely that of her mother.My dream for my daughter was so much full of happiness for all my hard work is all for her and her mother,but my dreams got shattered.Even Monica was not born in Nigeria but in United States of America although I am also not born in Nigeria but in United States of America in which her mum is from South Africa but happens to be living in United States of America where I met her.I usually come to Nigeria alongside with Rihana sometimes since some family members are in Nigeria but not always with Monica for she is too small to be traveling Everytime.Priscilia usually carry Monica up and down as if she is her blood daughter.I spent all my wealth on my daughter so as Rihana,I can recall when I spent 10billion when my daughter clock 3 months old since she was a great blessing to me so surely I will celebrate her,I even released songs specially for her.Rihana in whole has being a blessing to my life,she was the only woman on my mind always,she brought me from my weak point to my stand now.At a particular time,I wanted to stop my music but she stood by me and questioned me of why I will like to drop out of music.
The day i met Rihanna in United States of America for the first time,her appearance got me closer to her in mind,then after some months,I did not see her anymore but I could still picture her face in my mind even though we did not interact with each other at all.Then later after four months,I saw her again so I took the chance to talk with her just to know her name since I may not see her anymore or never again because no one knows tomorrow.I went to meet her,she was so sweet and cute even at greeting me even though she did not know me before.I exchange the same greeting she does to me then we began to talk,she was just smiling and not proud to me at all.From that day,I collect her phone number but still we never talk and call each other for like one months either did we see each other.Then one special day,I saw her call,then we began to talk and from there we became good friends,then later besties,and Later we became lovers.I can say we argues but we settle our disputes by ourselves since we understood each other.Rihana happens to be a model mainly international model,actress and companies ambassador but during the time she was nursing monica,she happens to stop her job as an actress because it seems stressful.I can never have a wife like Rihana,it is impossible and that is why I will live by her memories.She is my best part of my life,I remember how we use to celebrate festival with our baby with family members,and if Monica keeps crying disturbing her,she will go to the room to pet her and give her whatever she wants,then I will enter and she will be like "can you see how your baby is disturbing my peace"and then I will be like"if she is disturbing you,bring her and I will pet her than you".Then she will laughs and be asking me if I can do her diaper and to prove that,I carry Monica and did her diaper so well to the extent that Rihana could not imagine and then she will laugh so loud looking how i am doing Monica's diaper.
Rihana and Monica gave me and my entire family the happiness we always wished for but unfortunately,the happiness was later taken away from us at the time we needed it most.
Rihana and Priscilia are known to be very close despite the fact that Priscilia is my younger sister.They both behave as if they are sisters from the same mother and father,even sometimes they plan behind my back and if I try persuading Priscilia with a lot of expensive items like necklace, bracelets,she will rather trick me and collect the gifts and end up not disclosing their plans to me.They both usually laugh at me anytime I do anything silly and funny which make me wonder how their bond is so tight but anyways I love it anytime I see my younger sister and my darling wife so close together and how Priscilia take care and behave like a mother to my daughter.I can still remember the songs I released for my daughter during her arrival and during the time she was growing.One of the songs was titled
"Cute Like Monica"
The song was so popular and heard by millions of people all over the world and the most trending song on various music app to the extent I was interviewed on that particular song.I know my responsibility of being a father to her but I don't just know why life collect the most valuable treasure from my hands.I really feel hurt and sad on the day our darling Monica left us,the day was like a dream to me and my heart was broken,all my dreams were shattered right in front of my eyes.But Rihana was the most pained because how could a mother witness the death of her little baby,she was completely down for almost a month after the incidence.Even after down for almost a month,she was still in the trauma of the great shock and that led to our separation of her leaving me and then off to her mother house.The incidence caused a great conflict between the both of us and due to the time we are on the point of settling our disputes and back together,she coincidentally left me but I am just blessed as we settled our disputes and back together before she left me.
Her memories shall be and will be my forever music.She is the best part of me,my life,my soul,my everything.....I LOVE YOU DEAR.
My music will forever be your memories..

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