

Azure Abyss
****** chapter 2*****

Nobody else has been there for me and I have been here since about a month or two ago. Now this strange thing is dragging me into a wooded area and I don't see anything I can't even see her. Ain't that a bitch what is going on why is she so creepy. I am not sure if I can do it. " Holy smokes I almost tripped over the ground so can't you slow down" I snatched my hands away and stopped the moving. Just then I had an eerie feeling in my gut that gave me the chills. That weird sound of growling grew louder and louder by the second. Everything else around me was unimportant at this point. I looked around for the creepy one and I think she has gone on without me. " Bitch" I murmured under my breath. " Fuck your life stay there and die" this crazy bitch said from her perch in the tree about five feet ahead of me. But how the fuck did that bitch get up there in the first place. I couldn't really see her all I could make out was her yellow teeth glowing in the darkness. At the foot of the tree I looked up and placed one hand on it's massive trunk...THE GROUND IS SHAKIN...the growling is coming from everywhere and it's getting closer each second. I don't know how but I just started climbing and not long before I reached the branch she squated on I was thinking about pushing this bitch down there just to see what would happen. She must've felt it because she backed away from me and deeper into the trees branches. I got to get my mind right. This shit ain't helping me any sort of way of all the things that can go wrong why that why now why me I silently ask the heavens. Looking at the ground below I was fixated on catching a glimpse of the growling thing, I barely even blinked I was feeling a cramp coming on in my left leg and I decided that I should stand up and get a jump on working it out. A charlie horse at this time would be no fun. Now standing up on this branch I wondered if it would supporty weight as well as this bitchs too. I don't know what i will do if it was to give way and break underneath my feet. It's a good fifteen feet plus to the ground and the growl is still out there... some where.
Awoken by a bird flapping it's wings near where my head was rested, obviously I'd fallen asleep up here in this massive tree too close to its nest...I wiped the goo from my eyes and looked around I'm surprised to find myself still up in the tree howd I get up here in the first plll.....oh yeah that's right, the fuckin naked jcat bitch and that horrible growling killer thingy....wait hold up where the fuck did the crazy naked broad go, ???I began looking around through the tree branches for any signs og her and I found none. Now I'm looking down to the ground and it seems to be further down than I'd thought now I'm starting to get nervous. How the h.e.double hockey sticks am I supposed to get down. **** brrreiiing**** my cellular is chiming loudly and growing louder each notification. My alarm starts to go off. "Shhhit!" I'm late to work and I have a meeting and an important presentation to do. With a quick glance around on the ground I determined that I was safe to desend from my perch in this old pine tree.
Why hadn't I ever noticed the forest before even in daylight, I asked myself for the yes second time.
Soon as my J,'s hit the mossy wet dewy forest floor I was already running. And I did just that until I reached the corner of Payton and Warwick I nearly got struck by a wild motorist in a red 5.0! " Damn I didn't fuckin see you why you just jump out in front of my car like that you trying to kill yourself?" this woman was actin like it's my fault. Hey wait a minute this chick looks familiar. I really don't know anyone besides the folks I work with but not this one I know her from... ooohhhh shhiiit! this that bitch from lastnight.... Now our eyes are locked and she cocks her head to the side and reved the 5.0 engine a lil tryin to scare me I guess. Man dose this bitch got another thing coming. I pounced just as she released her foot from the breaks and shot forward. Either I was trippin or this bitch knows what I know and she don't want me to know she know what I know. You know.
Holding on to the rag top of her cute sporty lil 5.0 wasn't easy while she whipped it from lane to lane hitting 90 on the dash. Was this stupid bitch tryin to kill me or something. I ain't got time for this shit maaaannnn,!!!. Just then she hit the corner and cut it too short causing her to hit the curb and spin out of control,?!! " Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!" we both screamed on unison. I barely was holding on at this point but by the grace of the heavens above I remained on top of her vehicle until it came to a complete stop.! Dazed just a tiny bit I nearly missed her climbing from behind the wheel looking lost as a thin ribbon of blood trailed down her forehead from someplace behind her hairline. "Aye STUPIDwhy the fuck did you peel out like dat??" I demanded an answer. Like a bat out of hell this kookoo bird flew the coop, this bitch is constantly fuckin running...fast....It's ok thow I never forget a face...and I Will see this bitch again one day....
the end of ch.2

© Kisha.the.great