

The Woman ❤️
Warning: This is not a birthday post, appreciation post or anything like you think.

I don't believe in subject matter for stories or poems. I just write whatever comes in my mind and things that make me emotional. Right now I'm gonna talk about yesterday night. Wait a minute, this is not a cheesy love story bro! You don't have to pay this much attention. Okay let's get back to yesterday night. While lying on my bed I had a thought about cutting my hair (not the daring fringes I did last year, I am talking about a real one). So I started thinking about the hairstyle I should choose and how to avoid family attacks over that. Suddenly a face flashed through my mind - a face of the woman who happened to be my aunt.

2 years ago, when I chose to study in Punjab (to be frank, Punjab chose me because I was after Pondicherry but couldn't get through), people started asking me the usual questions like - "oh...Punjab, it's the border state..how you gonna survive there?,  Why didn't you get admission here? (Dumbass I wrote entrance), You can't go alone to such a distant land" ...blah..blah... But this woman simply asked me "You will go alone, right?!" I don't remember anyone asking such a strong and empowering question to me ever before. The same situation happened when I came back with a 'not-so-good-looking, coloured and  short hair' the same people again started blabbing but she asked me another question -"Why can't you cut it again and try a different colour?!"

When I chose the first career option that came on my way, I thought I'm gonna love it. But I got this overloaded feeling within days and I quit the job on the first week itself (I know it sounds hilarious but that's me). When I told her about this she has given an exact reply for agreeing with me earlier - "You seemed happy then why should I stop you?!" It was like she already knew but she trusted that I will take the right decision at the right time.

I am not exaggerating these as legendary remarks but a person like her is what we need. She never said a big 'No' to her children, either she gave a convincing explanation or the permission to move on so that we can correct ourselves. There are parents out there like her but there are also people like me who has to give 1000 explanations to every decision they take. Every body deserves a chance to correct themselves, to do something they love, and to live a life of their choice but most people are denied of their basic choices because of the society and relatives, obviously.

Despite the differences between us, she has given me enough confidence to stand on my legs and talk my side. Whenever I had the thought of she kicking me out for my coloured hair, short notice travel plans, lazy dresses, and over expensive fooding, she astonished me with her most supportive 'you are an individual' comments. She want me to see world within the time I have got, to grow beyond limits, and of course to decorate myself the way I love.

This piece of writing is for her, her support, motivation, and most importantly for the trust she has on me.


© athmasakhi