

Souvenirs Of Mansion
5:00 AM

[ A screaming sound comes from the downstairs]

Oh My God what is that sound coming from did something horrible happened downstairs I
should go and check.

[Aislinn rushes down without any second thoughts about the scream and the thing that she had
just remembered.]

Is everyone alright I just heard some screaming noises?
Yes, my lady everything is alright but someone is not, said the old man.

[Aislinn became shocked to witness the dead body of a young man that was lying on the bed in
another room on the right side of the mansion]

OH My!!!! What happened to this young man. Is he really dead?

I’m really sorry My lady you had to witness such an accident. He had a heart disease and we
didn’t know. This morning he had a heart attack and when our maid came to give his morning
tea she found her dead already .

But how did you know he had a disease like this?

My lady we found some medicines in his possession that’s how we became sure.

Was he a guest here? Shouldn’t we contact his family first. They would be worried if they had
known about his poor health.

Yes, my lady he is a guest, well we will take care of this matter, as we are possible you should
take some rest in the fireplace room.

But I want to ask some other questions about last night. By the way sir what’s your name I mean
how should I call you?

My lady, it’s Thomas Fred. About last night you can ask from my nephew he works here with
me. He is in the fireplace room his name is Andrew. Now please excuse me.

Yeah sure Thomas.
[what happened downstairs was not predicted it was just ought to happen. Aislinn was not sure
whom to believe and she thought that Thomas was hiding something, something that shouldn’t
be hidden, not from her.

Andrew was sitting on the couch as she entered, A young man with wrinkled face and brown
curly hair.]

Welcome my lady how are you feeling now, last night you were quite drunk I think you are
much better now.

Yes, Andrew I’m fine now but could you tell me how I ended up here in this mansion I don’t
remember clearly.

It was 7:35 in the evening we were all having our evening tea while enjoying the weather outside
when suddenly we heard a noise of a car’s horn and then the bell.
We opened the door and welcomed you but you were completely drunk and barely standing up.
so Rebecca our maid helped you to get in your room. We thought you had lost your way, so we
helped you.

So, this means I came here in my own car well could you tell me where my car is parked right

It’s where you left it last night my lady, outside, near the garden.

[At this moment Aislinn thought that the plot described by Andrew was not fully correct because
she remembered one thing from last night she wasn’t drunk at all, When the door to the mansion
was opened she ran upstairs so quickly like she had discovered something or was going to

Now the problem was that she didn’t remember what she was going to discover.

The only solution to this problem was to search for more clues in her car and upstairs………….]

I should go and find my car maybe I’ll find something that may lead me to somewhere.

But where are my car keys I don’t remember putting it somewhere. Maybe Rebecca knows
because she is the one that cleans the rooms and do other chores.

[Aislinn hurries to the kitchen which is located beside the fireplace room and searches for
Rebecca the maid]

Rebecca are you here?

Oh, young lady how come you are here. Is there any work for me?

Yes, I mean do you happen to know where my car keys are?

Yes, young lady the car keys happen to be on the key holder that is right there in the fireplace
room. You will find some shelves there and the holder is beside the shelves.

Thanks Rebecca.

The key holder is full of keys how would I recognize mine one here oh there are tags on the
keys seems like these are the keys for the rooms in the mansion so it means the key without tag
might be the one I’m looking for.

Now the key to the secret is in my hands. I hope I’ll find something there.