

The Life we all live is Unique individually. A weak point in a man's life can be the strongest point in another man's life. The uniqueness of our lives has created either happiness or depression.
To those who are on the happy path, they've allowed their strenght strengthen their weakness. They've allowed their white colour their black.
To those on the depressed path, they've allowed their weakness weaken their strenght. They've allowed their black cover their white.
Life isn't bent. Life is like a substance that would take the shape of the container it's poured in. Life will bend when it's curved. It'll be straight when it's straightened. It'll be somehow when it's distorted. It'll be rough when it's manhandled.
No one can make your life irrelevant or useless. You are the only one who can. You're the custodian of your life and you determine what path it'll follow.
Peer group influence and all sort of mannerless manners are caused by our own hands. If we don't give room to all these how will they get to us? If we shut our door to all these how will they Influence us? We easily open the door to all these wack and irrelevant people who want to destroy the potential we've not even discovered. But we hardly let those who are relevant and fruitful in almost all aspect of life in. Maybe this is due to our pride.
The path we take or trod is chosen by us. No one would carry our legs to the path we do not want.
Life is Life. Don't blame anyone for your failure. Your ball is in your court.
© Amarachi