

Her alpha -2
Luna waited for the full moon impatiently. Her imagination running wild, she dreamt of the alpha day and night.
The full moon night came . Luna had retired to bed early that night. Dressed in a violet mini dress comfortable enough to spend the night in it, she waited. Her room had glass walls to the south, all curtained in thick velvet. She could draw the anytime she wanted but that night she chose not to. The room kind of jutted out into the lawn with a few shrubs and bushes with flowers. The walls separated, if not protected, the house from the jungle. Luna knew the walls were strong enough to save them from the threats of most predators and wild animals but there were certain creatures that aren't exactly stoppable. The trees planted across the lawn have been home to not only birds but bats, owl and once, a leopard climbed to this side of the wall through the interlocking of the branches of tress situated both inside and outside of the walls.
The werewolves donot need crawling if they have to enter her abode. They are huge enough to jump across the walls specially because they weren't exactly of the same height all around . He would come, nothing can stop him, nothing previously did.
At midnight a strange noise woke her up. Asleep while waiting, Luna startled back to her senses and listened to the grumpy howling sounds that pierced through the wind. Not one, there were several of them.
Her room was barely lit. Dimmed blue light emitted from a night lamp added to the mystery of the night and charm of the room. Suddenly the smelt of an wild beast - the kind of smell she had inhaled everytime there was one of the usual predators were around- only this time, the smell was too intense, too wild.
She went up to the glass wall and half hidden behind the curtains, she tried to look outside and comprehend the beauty of that night.
A large arm grabbed her waist. She was so taken aback, she almost screamed only to realise the next minute that one of the dangerous predators of the world was already in the room. The alpha spared not a single moment and grabbed her and gently tossed her on the bed.
She looked at him - huge was the first word that came to her mind. Muscular and the chest and limbs were particularly hairy. She couldn't see his face but his eyes were glowing , almost red or reddish brown. She looked at them and felt as though she was hypnotized. Everything else didn't matter, only the eyes, she was slave to those fiery eyes.
© RupkathaBhowmick