

I thought only of days when tears didn't flow like streams
wetting my cheeks and caressing my skin
I dreamt only of days where my lips curved upwards
Sincere smiles gracing my weak face..
I like to dream because it takes my mind off the present
off the me I so much resent

I pen down my sorrows, heartbreak and tears
so I get to look back after many years
Have I conquered my fears?
Or am I still that naiive little girl
Scared of talking too much for her tears may spill and become oceans
Clinging to her faults with unwavering devotion
And harboring the thought of being God's most imperfect creation...

Maybe one day I'll grow out of it
out of the constant self-consciousness
I wish to be free
Just like the others
Just like the others?
Is it likely?
Is it possible?
