

Beautiful and troublesome story of life (Part-9)
If you haven't read the previous parts, please read it to understand the story better.
At counter Zain asked “Why you call me here? isn't this party is for your family only?”
Adi smiled and said “So what.... soon you're going to become a family too....”
After hearing this, Zain's face turned red as tomato.
Adi laughed and said “Well....this way you are able to talk to Emma too.”
Zain got flustered and started stuttering “Wha-what are y-you talking ab-about? How can I... in front of eve-everyone?”
Adi said “hey don't worry. There's always a way for everything...”
Zain was confused. After that everyone enjoys eating, they having a lot of fun.
Then Adi said “ Hello, I wanna ask something.”
Everyone said “ What is it?”
Adi said “Anyone wants to go carnival?”
After hearing this they got so excited and hurriedly nodded their heads.

*After few minutes*

They reached the carnival. Everyone was so excited without another thought they just go in. Adi told everyone that after an hour everyone would meet at the entrance until then just enjoy yourself.
Amy, Sia, Aiden and Sarah excitingly goes to rollercoaster and Adi, Zain, Emma and Kaira didn't go because Emma and Adi are afraid of rollercoaster. So they decided to walk around.

Kaira called Adi and asked “ Adi what are we doing here? Why do I feel like this getting awkward?”
Adi said “Sorry, I didn't expect it to be like this. I thought they would talk something but instead they didn't even look at each other for once. What should we do now?😑 This is getting more and more complicated.”
Kaira said “ Well, you're right. They look like some old couple who just fight with eachother and didn't wanna talk anymore. 🙄 It seems like we really need to do something. Let me think..”
Adi said “ Yeah, think something quickly..”
Kaira gets irritated and said “Why do I have to think only?😒why are you here for?
Adi said “What do you mean. Didn't I think enough.....I brought them here by my thinking... Now it's your time.”
Kaira said “Yeah, yeah I can see that what you have done dumbo.”
Adi gets angry and said “Who are you calling Dumbo?”
Kaira smirk and said “Of course you, your highness.”
They started fight (Not a real fight🤭. Just a little fight between brother and sister.) and started to tease eachother.
Emma and Zain started laughing seeing them fighting.
Zain said “What are you guys doing fighting like a 5 year old children?”
Adi and Kaira said simultaneously “ No, I am not. He/she started it first.”
Zain and Kaira were laughing hard which make both Adi and Zain feel a little embarrassed.
They both again said “Stop laughing.”
Emma asked “What happened? Why are you guys fighting?
Adi and Kaira hesitate a little and giggled.
Kaira said “No, it's nothing.”
Emma said “Okay..”
With this Kaira got an idea.
Kaira whispered in Adi's ear “ I've got an idea...”
Adi asked “ What is it”
Emma interrupt them “Hey, weren't you guys fighting just now?”
Adi said “So, we are brother and sister, can't we make up quickly?”
Zain said “Yeah, you are right.”

To be continued...........
Sorry, I am not able to update everyday and this makes a story little boring. I am really sorry for this😅😅
I just hope you guys enjoy my story.
Thank you 😄

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© Ira