

A flower left unpicked 🌹
In the garden's tender grace, a tale unfolds,
A flower left unpicked, its story untold.
Unpicked, unnoticed, in shadows it was sown.
Ignored by eyes chasing vibrant array,
Yet in the neglect, it found its own way.

Amidst the blossoms that caught the eye,
A petal unfolded, yearning to fly.
But destiny whispered a different song,
A flower left unpicked, yet it stood strong.

For sometimes, the overlooked holds a treasure,
A bloom that thrives in unseen measure.
In the garden of life, where stories flicker,
The flower left unpicked, became a resilient kicker.

So cherish the unnoticed, let its tale unfold,
In the realm of neglect, watch it unfold.
For in the dance of shadows, in the quiet's hum,
The flower left unpicked becomes life's anthem.

© Ken Stanley
Amidst the bustling blooms of affection's array,
I stood, unclaimed, in the light of the day.
But in solitude's grasp, a strength did unfold,
A love that blossomed in stories untold.

No hand to hold, no shared bouquet,
Yet my heart kept blooming, finding its own way.
In the garden of emotions, a tale to unfold,
A love that thrived, resilient and bold

© Ken Stanley