

Pretty Misunderstandings... Finale🥂

On turning around, She found him on his knees and tears were rolling down his cheeks.

She was lost equally. She couldn't stop herself but got down onto her knees too. She could feel his pain and then it hit her that all the mess and separation would be the result of some misunderstanding. They could have escaped the pain, both of them suffered all these years. She slowly reached out for his hands.

“How can you think that I can cheat on you?” Rishab was broken and so was she. Her anger was gone and now was the time for some revelation.

“You remember, when the last time we exchanged mails was?” she asked Rishab with a soft tone.

“Yes, three days before my graduation night.”

“Correct. Now come.” She got up from the floor wiping Rishab’s tears, led him to the bedroom. She sat on the bed and gestured Rishab to sit beside her but instead Rishab lied down resting his head on her lap. All this while he did not take his eyes off her. She adoring Rishab with a gentle kiss on his forehead continued with her part of the story while Rishab got hold of her right hand and she started moving her other hand on his hairs.

“I wanted to surprise you with my presence at your graduation night. I came down for it. I looked for you all around, when I finally spotted you. You were there with another girl, she was hugging you. I saw her kissing you in your cheek and I, just couldn't stand it, left the place. I was broken…,” she stopped when she noticed tears in his eyes again and he sat up to face her now. He asked her to continue.

“I was broken. I thought that you were cheating on me and cheating was hard limit for me.” Tears started rolling down her cheeks with a greater speed now. He grabbed her soft wet face between his hands and planted a passionate kiss full of love on her forehead.

“If you could have given me once chance to clarify, you could’ve saved both of us from this suffering.”

He had a smile on his face but also had tears in his eyes.

“Why are you smiling?” she questioned him by caressing his face.

“Smiling because you were there on my graduation night to surprise and that I got you back now.”

“And tears?”

“These tears because of you. You are so stupid that you left without confronting me. For once if you would’ve asked then we would have avoided all this. You made us both suffer for a crime that I never committed. Cheating is my hard limit too baby. That day, on the graduation night, while I was about to enter my college premises, I saved a kid from getting hit by a car. That kid was the son of the girl you saw hugging me or kissing me on my cheek. She was overwhelmed with emotions when I somehow managed to save the kid. I was too shocked to think anything. It was such a near death experience for the child as well as menthat I was just happy to save him.”

When he completed his part of the explanation. His eyes went in search for her eyes which were now filled with guilt and once again the unstoppable train of tears rolled down her cheeks. He kissed her both eyes and pulled her into a hug.

“Enough of the crying now, Miss.Roy. Now that You are Mine again, I’m not letting you go. Just in case a reminder for future, stop assuming so much and STOP OVERTHINKING. If you would’ve just asked me, there would not have been so much of suffering. But whatever happened is in the past now, for our present just smile and Thank Almighty that we met and got a second chance to be together again”

“A question!!! ” she said with a baby like voice raising her hand luke a student while he held her tight.

“What now?” he tried to look into her eyes searching for what she wanted to know.

“How were you so sure that I am not dating someone or married?”

His smile was back and it was reflected on her face as well. Both of them were relieved from the pain they went through all these years.

“Madam, you forgot I’m good observer.”

“And your point is?” she eyed him and now both of them were beaming with joy again.

“If you would’ve been dating someone or would’ve been married, which thank God you are not, you wouldn’t have been wearing the pendant I gifted you a decade ago. I noticed the pendant on your neck in the morning itself Miss. And honestly it was the source that gave me strength to push myself to pursue you for the truth.”

“Hmm. So what now?” she asked him in a childlike manner. The kid in her was back.

“For now, let’s go and have some Ice-cream. What say???”

Their eyes were glowing with joy. Their love finally won and THEY remained Happily Ever After.

P.S- People, now days, don’t believe in true love or happily ever after. But, that’s not true. True love exists and so does happily ever after. And one might be thinking why I’m so sure about their happily ever after, then, I would love to reveal it is because I’m their DAUGHTER!!!

Their story by their Daughter 😋
© Chestnut_writes❤️

#Entirely #Fiction