

Tainted (a Fanfiction Story based on Game of Thrones Series) 13
Warning: This chapter contains strong/mature language which are not suitable for young readers.
Chapter 13: Hate

When Jon and Racy were already inside the chamber, he grabbed the girl-slave's arm and hardly slammed her on the chamber wall. Letting out his uncontrolled anger towards her. Racy was startled and her eyes were full of fright.
"Set me free, my Lord. Please don't hurt me." she whimpered. She tried to wrenched of herself free from his grasp.
"What were you still doing there? You were really that stubborn and dumb to disobey me and my command." grim and hate  were reflected in Jon's eyes.
"I was wrong, my Lord. Please forgive me. It was not of my intention to stay there for long and talked to someone whom I was not familiar of.."
Her voice trembled. She struggled to keep her tears from falling.
But never did her eyes concealed her true feelings for this man. Even if he would keep on hurting her, the love and admiration she felt towards him had never changed a bit. She let out a soft cry when Jon had angrily punched his fist on the hard wall. It seemed all of his hatred towards her was deviated at the wall itself.
"Stop, my Lord. Please, stop! You will hurt yourself!"
She pleaded and cried for him.
He had finally freed her from his grasp.
Racy helplessly stumbled on the floor. She couldn't help herself but to let out a painful sob. It was too wretched and heartbreaking.
Why do you always have to hurt me, Jon Snow? When all I really wanted was, you, to stop hating and not blaming me of my father's sin?
She had longed to screamed it out loudly to Jon's face, but she knew it was to no avail because she was already judged by her father's sin.
Instead, she curled-up herself and cried silently, let her tears fell freely from her eyes. She never cared of Jon who went froze and stared at her. 
He was mad! furiously mad at her, he wanted to hurt her. But he couldn't because something had restrained him from doing it. That instant when he was about to hurt her, the girl-slave looked at him. Memory had suddenly flashed on his mind. He had already hurt her before. The North Nobles and his Northsmen had bared witness of his cruelty to the girl-slave. And it never gave him peace since then. Just as he saw how frightened and sad those honey-coloured eyes were, he felt a familiar pang in his chest, which brought a very painful twist in his heart it made him hard to breath.
Ygrette.. my, dear Ygrette.. I am lost. I don't know what I am doing now. I could kill her this instant, so I could finally avenge you, our child, Stepmother and Robb.. And I would be at peace.
His thoughts cried for them.
They were both silent for a moment, only the hoarse breathing from Jon and a soft sob from Racy were all be heard inside the chamber.
His voice suddenly roared and was icy cold as he ordered her to leave.
But Racy never stirred. The thought of leaving Jon had already gave her unbearable pain. And she could never ever do it.
"No, my Lord. Please do not ask me to leave you. I am your slave. I was sold to serve you..please ask me anything but not that."
She uttered, almost a soft whisper to his ear. She was a little bit dazed.
"Why? It is your perfect luck to flee from being enslaved. Why wouldn't you seized the opportunity, Racy Bolton?"
Jon looked at her with a bewildered expression.
What were you up to, girl-slave?
He had never shifted his gaze away from her.
"I couldn't leave you, my Lord. Forgive me if I had to disobey you, but I would still remain your servant. Your girl-slave."
Her soft voice faltered. She slowly got up and wiped her tears by the back of her hand.
"You could hurt and shame me whenever you desire. I was bound to it, my Lord. It wouldn't matter to me. After all, I was already despised by everyone. And I am of no value."
If only he knew, how she wished he would treat her well, but that was impossible now, considering, all he felt for her was total hatred.  Because everytime he would hurt her, it feels like death for her.
But never did she lose her belief, that Jon's hatred towards her would soon vanished; left alone would be his compassion and kind demeanor because it was his true nature. 
Few moments passed, both of them were still silent,as if they were only sensing each other's movement. He walked towards the door, steps and aura were still domineering despite of his fury to the girl-slave.
Jon left the chamber slamming the door behind him.
Racy was now alone, bearing the familiar pain she had always felt whenever he would throw his wrath at her. She went to sleep, hoping he would be back when she's awake, but still there was no sign of Jon Snow until sunrise. She abruptly got up and fixed herself before she had started her chores as his personal servant. Soon, he would arrive. So, she had to make haste and get things done in his chamber before he comes.
She remembered what happened between them last night and it wrenched her heart painfully. She wondered where did he went after he walked out the door. Did he came to see his Northsmen and Sam and he had slept there?
"Racy Bolton."
She was startled when the door had suddenly swung open, revealing Jon Snow at the doorway. His grumpy mood was plastered on his handsome face.
"M-my Lord, Good morning. I had already  prepared a bath for you. A-and your clothes, too."
She stammered. But he just walked right past her without taking a glance. Seemed, it was of his intention to ignore her presence around him.
Unexpectedly, he removed his cloak and whole garments in front of her. Jon Snow stood naked.
Racy was totally shocked. She was torn between covering her eyes or run away from Jon due to the scandalous sight in front of her.
But she chose the other way around, she stood froze, mesmerized by the view. Jon, revealing his chest and back with full, densed muscles,broad,round shoulders, that compliment his defined arms,a well-defined six-pack abs, a solid lower body that completes his god-like physique. Never did in her entire life she had seen such a perfect sight. Also, it was her first time to see a man in full nudity.
"Don't you just stand there." he yelled at her. She was shameful and so unlucky she got caught staring at him. Her checks went red.
"I-I'm sorry, my Lord."
She hesitated for a moment if she would come near him but she went on, after all. But she tried hard to avoid her gaze away from him.
Shameless, dumb girl! What would Jon think of me now? I was really such a fool!
She repeatedly scolded herself.
Jon sunk his body in the tub full of water.
Dumb girl-slave, acting weird. Seemed like it was her first time she had seen someone nude!
He muttered to himself as he rested his head at the tub wall.
As Racy had poured hot water to balance the warmness of water in Jon Snow's tub she almost jumped to her feet when he suddenly spoke to her.
"T'was your first time seeing a man naked, girl slave?" he asked her.
"Y-yes, my Lord. I'm sorry. I never intend to stare at you. I.. I was shocked." her voice had stammered.
"But you were a whore. A highborn whore."
He sharply muttered, never set his gaze towards her.
As Racy heard of it, she bit her lip to suppressed the unfamiliar emotion which suddenly succumbed in her whole being. She had this urged to slap his face of the wrong accusation he threw at her.
I am not a whore!
She wanted to defend herself from his sharp tongue. But it would end up with Jon being mad at her again. So, she just shut her mouth and silently attend his needs.
She followed him towards the largest courtyard of the Castle where he met his Northsmen and the Lannisters with its red cloak armies. There she knew, Jon and Jaime Lannisters were to demonstrate a duel. A sword combat. She silently stood at the far corner where Jon had left her.
She had barely noticed that someone was slowly approaching her.
"Racy Bolton. "
Racy was stunned for a moment. It was Maggy, the old lady at the Castle's kitchen.
"Maggy? What are you doing here?"
The old lady smiled at her.
"If Lord Snow knew of our acquintance again, he would surely kill me. I am not supposed to make friends or talk with someone I was not familiar of."
She had seriously told her. But Maggy had shrugged her shoulders and motioned Racy to follow her.
"No, Maggy. I should better stay here. Jon Snow would be furious if he found out I disobeyed his orders."
She never moved an inch. But Maggy was so persistent.
"I have something to show you, child. Come at once. It is so important you must know."
"I knew your mother." she cut Racy's word.
When she heard of it, she looked at Maggy in disbelief.
"H-how?" of course, who would actually believe Maggy, when her mother was from North and not of Westerlands?
But at once, she went off with her. Though, she feared the consequence she had to suffer upon her return, because right at the moment, she had disobeyed Jon Snow's rules again...

Outside the Casterly Rock they went and Maggy led her into the deep woods..

© melai2020
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