

Narrow: Chapter 3
Victoria woke up.

she stood up and yesterday's event drained her desire to go to school. She stared out the window as her school was practical few metres away.

She hated that.

She took her bath and came out she was about to use her cream but she remembered there were chillies inside.

"Damn!" She said frustratingly she took the cream outside  to throw it away, there she met her next predator the one that would finish her off.

"Hey,what did that cream do?" he said as he stared fixedly at it.

Victoria in no mood for sarcasm and the mere fact he had the school's ID made her blood boil.

"its because it had your name on it" she said  as  she kicked it into the trash

"hey!, sense of humour!," he said as he walked  away.

Victoria walked back into the house she struggled to forget yesterday's event and the last on her mind was to make friends.

" trash!, they are all trash". She kicked the wall in an attempt to vent out an atom of her anger.

"Ouch! Stupid wall, stupid college! And there's that dummy, who happened to care about cream, who cares about me." She suddenly calms down.

" I hate my life!" She yelled as she walked inside.

little did she know she would be his prey,little did she know she'd loose her dignity little did she know she would end her life.

"I'm not going to college today" she said aloud

"why?" Her mother said

"Cause I don't feel so good" she said sitting  on a  chair and putting her comb down.

Her mother walked in.

"is it those kids again? honey I told you don't take things personal, they are just kids, beside Mariana is your cousin she would never mean any thing bad". Her mom said concerned.

"You are right, I'm the wrong one always in the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong day and with the wrong people."

"you are right." She said feeling weakened

"Victoria" her mother said realising her words were too cold.

"leave mom,let me endure this pain only I understand". Her mother stood up and walked out of her room.

Victoria went towards the door  slowly and closed it.

"I'm not crazy" she said as a tear rolled down her eyes

"I know what I've  seen, I know what I've heard, I know what I've felt only I know..only I know ..." She said as she threaded her hands continuously through her hair.

She paced about her room whispering the same thing with her hand still threading through her hair she picked up a picture it was her father.

"you don't think I'm crazy do you?I know they are laughing at me they have planned another trap.

"I won't I can't no!" She said as she threw the lamp and It made a loud noise.

"I can't keep living like this! Not like this"

she fell to the around and began playing with her hands.

She wasn't,but she looked crazy.

All because of this game they called 'fun' no one understood her.

she was alone.

why was all this happening?.

I'll tell you, it was merely the curse of beauty, the ill luck of attraction a pinch of self confidence with a drop of uniqueness.

That's all it took to turn her life upside down.

Why her ?why'd they pick her.  What did a  16 year old do that was so cruel it deserved such a punishment called death.

Victoria suffered a lot till the day she gave up, was her revenge worth it ?did the lives she took deserve forgiveness?  Did she deserve such a death?.All this questions will be answered soon

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