

Never die Worthless
Never die Worthless

Someone once told me "He wants to write my script". You know what... Guess what I told him. My reply was "I don't let people write my script because they never knew I've lived it so far". Though, I believe I made some mistakes no matter what, because no one is perfect in his/her doings but everyone is a writer of his/her life.

Your script lies in your hands and how you want it to be read by others lies in your hands still. You're the architect of your life structure so how you want it to look depends on you whether you want to build it like an hut or a mansion. You know what... Life is really for the dwellers but mainly for those who live it rightfully.

I once watched a movie that touched my heart where the lady made a statement "I hope my name still lives in the heart of men when I die". You know what... The day you die but your name still lives in the heart of men, that's when you live ever even though you've died. Also, the day you live but your name fades just like a powder blown into the thin air, that's when you die even though you still live. You know why? It's because you've lived a worthless life in the faces of men. Write your script and don't allow someone to write it for you wrongly. Start building your Vision.

📝Bimbola Ojuolape ✍