

Scary Experience- (7)

I've asked my friends if they did something other than gift and prank, the reply was no. Then, who's hand mark it is ? was that really ?..... Lemme stop this for now, maybe I was just hallucinating. I went to my home after getting discharged and tried to look for the gift and surprisingly the gift contained the written note as said by my friend but not the one I've seen , it changed. There's even no hand mark over there, I got tensed up and made a call to my friend to come home as I wanted to tell everything to him. It was already evening, they made some birthday celebrations in the morning hour and I've to leave in the afternoon session. I couldn't trouble him so I asked him to attend the dinner at night. He came by exactly the time I said, I was panicking then he comforted me and asked what's the problem? I told everything what happened that night.
He made me calm down, said maybe I had some bad time with my work that I just happened to imagine things, hallucination. I tried to tell that I'm not hallucinating because even I had that doubt but the written note is very obvious, something is fisshy. He reminded about our past happy memories and my good moments with my other friends, made me to forget these things and asked me to focus on my work. He rubbed his hand gently on my shoulder and patted my head saying "Take care, I might not stay with you forever. You need to be brave and shouldn't be scared no matter what ; even if I set up an act , ha ha. You're still the same seriously". I wasn't able to understand why was he saying like this, he pranked me yesterday and we had some discussion in the morning hour. Well, why is he being serious, gentle and it's too different from the one I know I can say with assurance.

To be continued.....
Stay tuned~

© RR
(BG: Chicago Public Library)
#horrorstory #mystery-thriller #scaryexperience