

light And Dark
Write a short story from your past that involves light or darkness in some way.
Light can only have a place if it is dark but often we do not remember that truth.
Once upon a time i was alone at home.Everyone in the house has gone to a temple a long distance away. They will arrive late or maybe tomorrow.I didn't go with them because i had to go to school tomorrow.I was happy because there is no one at home and for few hours it became my only home.While watching tv and eating biscuits.I suddenly heard a noise.When i got up to see what it was, the current was gone.I started to get really scared.I felt like all the ghosts in the ghost movies i saw were standing around me.I couldn't even move from there.I began to blame the darkness a lot.I prayed for the light come on quickly.I sat on the couch with eyes closed.After a while the light came.I went to bed after dinner.
By morning i could not sleep as the sunlight hit my face.For a moment i hated the light and i wanted the dark.
Light thinks it was faster than anything but it is wrong.No matter how fast light travels.It finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.When you light a candle,you also cast a shadow.Every moment of light and dark is a miracle..
© Young_author