

monogamy died
they had a memorial for her biggest mistake even made a reward poster with his bitch ass face on them, asking for any information on his murder and the whereabouts of his new girlfriend.
little did they know they were both closer than they thought. standing in the crowd of family, friends and random mourners like Lucifer when taunted your lord and savior.
when it’s her memorial and her family,friends and mourners are all praying and hoping god finds her killer and the rest of their bodies. I will be standing next them enjoying their pain knowing it’s your fault why they’re going through all of this again.
it’s amazing how a act of betrayal can drive someone to unspeakable things like disembowel her lover in front of her and then slowly peel her face off in front of a mirror so she see exactly what she made me do. I mean I could have let them both live but then my pain will live on too as long as I know they’re alive so I had to kill it somehow.
© Rexican