

Arranged Marriage E01
Episode 1
It's a beautiful and joyous moment. Rishi along with his parents is at Neha's house. The two familes greet each other and Neha's parents, welcome Rishi and family. The Refreshments are on the table and nervousness in Neha's heart😉 as she adornes herself and is about to make an entry in the living room. "Knock Knock" Bangs the door of neha's room. It's her mother, she's here to take her to meet the guests oh sorry Special Guests😄.. With lowered gaze😌, blushed cheeks and slow steps Neha enters the room and greet Rishi's parents and his brother Rishabh. She sits besides Rishi's mom and they ask her several questions regarding her career to which she replies in a soft voice. After that Rishi and Neha were sent to the bedroom to have a private talk. They went to the room and for q few initial minutes both of them were quiet and then Neha brok the ice by asking him to have a seat. And then she asked his hobbies and Rishi also questioned her about her views regarding arranged marriage and both of them returned.
Finally the moment of truth, Rishi's Dad stood up from his seat and everyone's heart skipped a beat. He looked towards Neha's dad and said" Vishal ji hume yeh rishta... MANZOOR HAI..."and after completing his sentence both of them hugged each other.. The joyous mothers also shared a tight hug. Neha touched her to be in laws' feet and they hugged her🤗.
Follow me for episode 2😊

© Writeaholic_soul