

"Awakening from the Shadows

The penultimate column designates the "shadow image" of the real world and everything that is in it - and these shadows are the only thing that we -- within the matrix -- can still recognize and perceive of the real world - these shadows that still remain to us become visible and reduced to outlines only by a light source independent of the sun, thus in this sense no natural light source - they are just "shadows on the cave wall" - "shadows of the really existing" - inevitably reduced and to be alienated without problems. It can be a factual nothing - a few twisted hands with dislocated fingers, for example, or paper stencils, a sock put over the hand ... Puppeteer tricks, with a disguised voice, played up to a drama or a comedy, staged and intoned to convincingly make us believe something at any time, which in fact does not really exist in any way, or corresponds to the truth.

Platon and many of his contemporaries recognized the threatening disaster and as is handed down, many of them and also many of the giants who still lived at that time among us - because, after all, essentially only the body size distinguishes us - have withdrawn to Inner Earth.

The vibration of mankind at that time was much higher than now and so the consciousness of the people was also very highly developed -
multidimensional, so connected with all levels of being, with the divine intelligence, the Akasha Chronicle - with time and space.

Until the mud flood in the 18th century we were in constant connection with the nature beings - and spirits - devas, dwarfs, earth spirits, elves, fairies, the elementals and also the peoples from Inner Earth. With them we not only maintained a lively contact, but also exchanged goods, unique craftsmanship, remedies, clothing, literature and beautiful bookbinding ...

Also for us, although in a different way, the evil matrix game ends now, because long enough, under the influence of the false matrix realities, we were constantly put under pressure, under stress - rushed from one fear and excitement into the next, just to provide negative emotions and thus the negatively poled mental energy so palatable for our parasitic occupying power ...

But now we, you and I are wide awake, vibrate every single day higher than on the previous one, understand, grow, live daily more in harmony with the truth, our highest striving and self - with all divine, with God - we, you and I experience how wonderful and fulfilling this being in intimate connection with the highest being, with God whose mighty, infinite, all-encompassing spirit has devised us - created us out of love and light and born us into eternal being ... so there is hardly anything, soon nothing at all to harvest, because where there is no negatively poled mental energy, no parasite, no matter how hungry, can feed 🌟.

This small summary, this contemplation about the beginning of the restrictive matrix can be useful for us to better understand the actual principle, the functioning of the matrix, in order to release ourselves from it more easily, soon completely.
© PatriciaRobertVlogs