

Gates's of hell and heaven
don't known were i was but i was in front of ah big gate by seeing that gate i felt like this would be the biggest gate in the world . this gate was slowly opening i stepped forward i went inside the gate suddenly it self closed. later ah old person with white beard and black hair came to me and said
old person: hi
me : hello
old person: did uh write exam
me : no which exam
old person: ok come with me
just i was following him i saw many of them playing fighting laughing talking but with different ages. the old man said these r all the people failed in the exam if uh fail uh will also be with them said old man
and i was hearing some slow music by going forward the music was getting louder
again here was an another big gate the music was in side from the gate i can see many people their singing dancing gardening sleeping etc i felt their r fully peaceful living the old man said if uh pass the exam uh will be allowed in side this 2nd gate. i just stood at the point and asked what about the exam is the old man took me to ah room their were some people who was talking each other
the old man took me to one person and asked to examine he asked me
he:what do uh need
me: i said money
he : whom do uh want now
me : my mom
he : what do uh love more
me: playing
he said i was filed in exam
i don't know what is the reason
with in all these happens they sky was turning dark mean it was getting night
i was changes in people who were in first gate some were like with bleeding some were shouting to the hell range some were crying silently got little scared and searched for old man but even me started bleeding in head and my hands and legs got wond the old man came suddenly and said this was ur position when uh dead
i was like,i am dead yes said old man now i just remember accident happen to me when i was retiring home, i asked old man were i am now he said u r in gates of hell and heaven
now u r in gates of hell if uh pass the exam uh will go to the gate of heaven said old man.

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