

Chapter 5
Knowing his friend's tamper , Harry quickly followed his disappearing figure not wanting him to do something silly.

Outside of the casino, Julian was standing near his car passing his hand through his hair letting out a sigh, this was the first time he has been insulted in his entire life.

Until now, no one had the courage to raise their voice not even to slap him like what happened a few moments ago, this girl had hurt his ego.

"We should get going Julian, I will drive you home "Harry said patting his shoulder and signaling him to enter the car.

Harry's tone was serious and his expressionless face left no room for discussion. Seeing his friend into wanting to get him out of here, he followed him to the car.

Silence swept over the car, Harry looked at the Julian who was closing his eyes leaning back.

"Uh, Julian about earlier.. "Harry started but was cut off by the angry and indifferent voice "it's not your fault Harry, you did what you thought was right, do bother yourself with apologies"Julian said to him.

Harry was thankful and dumbfounded at the same time, 'when did this robot learn to be this considerate'Harry thought to himself.

He has known Julian for a long time now and he was a person who is vengeful and holds grudges, he one time thought he had a notebook in his heart for settling scores with those who wrong him.

"Man, thanks for understanding coz I don't know what I was going to say to you "Harry said sincerely.

"I hope your silly head will start thinking positive about my line of life "dead panned Julian and closed his eyes again.

After about twenty minutes, they arrived at Pavilion villa,"we're here " Harry uttered and on that, Julian opened the door and moved out and shut the door behind him and walked inside.

Harry looked at Julian's disappearing figure in anger'isn't he supposed to be thanking me, what did I do again, oh what should I expect from this robot, he probably doesn't know anything about feelings'.

Shouldn't this brat be learning something from me ,we've spent a lot of time together, he should say thank you or more so good night to his friend who can stand him in this world.

Harry was so furious that he drove away fuming in anger .Inside his house, an aged lady came to him "Julian,what's wrong with you, are you fine"she questioned him anxiously.

"Aunt Lily, I fine you don't need to worry about me"Julian tried to coax the old lady. Aunt Lily had looked after Julian since he was young and had long told him to do something impose with his life but look until now, he is doing nothing but worry her.

He was always immersed in his work and this worried the old lady even more.She had long told him to find someone to be with but until now, she has lost hope because of his robotic life.

"what, you punched someone who tried to save you , he was trying to save your ass you poophead,how ungrateful "Jessie was throwing tantrums at her friend.

"Come on, Jess, Iwas doing fine and besides, I don't think I will ever meet him again, no need to worry "Sam tried to coax her friend.

Jessie walked to her side and tightly hugged her "you know I was trying to kill you before I take your money, I want to save my energy for sweet talking you before you give it to me "

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