

The Hope
I called him after four days but as expected he didn't pick up. I wasn't disappointed as I knew that he wouldn't pick up or call back because that's how he is. Though I kept checking his online status occasionally, I have never thought of msging him asking about the call. I had this in mind - if he wants to talk he will definitely call back. As I have the habit of thinking conversations that would never happen, I started thinking about asking him about the call, that too in a different language. Funny isn't it? A sentence came upto my mind and i cross-checked it in google. All of a sudden I opened his chat in whatsapp, where his status changed to online as I began typing. I sent the msg and gone offline.

Minutes later I turned the net on and the first pop-up msg showed up with his name on the top. If hope has an emotional face that would have been my face at the moment. I stared at the pop-up msg without opening it, like I used to enjoy the beauty of wrapped chocolates without opening them, just to feel that the chocolate is still there and I may not get another one soon. I never wanted to open the msg because I knew that I won't get another msg from him soon. Anyway I had to open and give reply to the msg because I wanted him to know that I'm always there + what if I get one more reply msg. ( I ain't acting greedy. Am I?). " I was sleeping. I will call you". These are the 2 sentences in the msg. But those weren't just 2 sentences but was a bit of hope for me. Now I have something to expect from him nothing but a call that he promised. I know that he will definitely call may be not today or tomorrow but he will call for sure.

(will continue...)

© athmasakhi