

Letter for Lorenzo
Its been more than one month since I never saw you personally. Its between the Covid-19 pandemic, us and the world. Everything change since we got up into this situation we are breathing the same air and seeing same sky yet you are way too far. I misses you. Your touch, kiss and warm hugs. I wonder how it felt like to be in your arms again. Im hurting 😩 Between the battle of pandemic, were facing the battle of distance. The first month of not being together was easy,I never felt I was alone or that we are far from each other. As days and weeks passed you're not the same anymore. Become colder and colder. What happen to your promises? Calls are not necessary, messages become "kamusta kda? Keep safe" I miss our long chat. Ang wala ka bala gaka tak an haw. Subong ya? 😅