

KATE ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🥺
Write a story based on the phrase "You will realize a person's worth when they are gone."

Kate and I were one of the most weirdest students in high school, starting from the way we dressed,to the way we walked.Everyone called us a freaks some say weirdo or psychopaths, but we couldn't care less, we understood each other so well that we didn't pay attention to what the other students said
I'm Rose by name, I'm 18 and I'm average heighted, fair in complexion, a bit chubby and really cute. My best friend Kate was quite opposite of my description, She's 19,tall and skinny.she wasn't beautiful buh for me she had a beautiful heart, like no one else
We met at a family occasion and we bonded quickly, since my family and hers were great friends, and one beautiful thing we had in common was the fact, we're the only child of our parents. we grow to love each other.
Things took a bad turn, when she got admitted into the same high school, we promised to always have each other's backs, and we really did, not until I secretly crushed on Mike. Mike was the most handsome guy in our school and to get his attention I decided to become friends with his junior sister Nora who was also the same age as me.
I started enjoying Nora's company, we would go out for lunch during breaks. I hardly had time for Kate anymore because I felt I needed a change and a chance to get close to Mike. Kate wasn't as beautiful as me so people kinda preferred me over her, as Nora never liked her, so I avoided just to keep myself in Nora's good books.I knew I was hurting my best friend but I felt I needed to be with the bigger girls and the cutest and hottest guy
One afternoon after lunch, I was walking into my class when I heard someone call my name
"Rose wait up, hey what's going on, did I do anything to offend you in any way, please why are you avoiding me"she said
deep down I was hurt buh my aim took over my emotions " We can no longer be friends Kate " immediately I said that I walked away cos I couldn't stand to see the tears, running down her eyes.
Two months has passed, since Kate and I stopped talking. Life feel good buh something was missing, I noticed Kate was always absent from school, I didn't bother to check up on her, cos Nora and her friends took most of my free times for hanging out
One day, the principal had called for all students, at the lounge when we arrived, the principal greeted everyone and made an announcement that broke me, Kate died of cancer. I sat there not knowing what to do, I felt like disappearing, I can't even cry because I don't deserve to cry for her.
I went home and ran to meet her parents, her mother in tears handed me a letter Kate had left behind for me, I took it and quitely went to the backyard expecting to get words of hate from her buh what the content of the letter said broke me

Hey Rose
I wish you had, told me where I went wrong before I passed away, buh I couldn't get the chance, so let me apologize to you here
I'm really sorry for whenever you think I did to hurt you,I really wanted to spend my last moments with you, buh I guess fate didn't allow it
I want you to forgive me, and remember that I love you so much and I want you to be happy

your faithfully

I've never cried the way I did that day, it's been 5 years and I still can't forget, if only I had the chance to spend her last moments with her, with every beautiful memories we had together, I can't forget nor forgive myself............

© Felista's tales