

Love Shine Bright 💞
As he rowed his boat towards home at the close of the day, unusually there were hundreds of little lamps lit along the shore,by the neighbouring woman.They had watched since a year long that each evening as Alex returns home after his toil out in the sea, Katey would wait upon him with a little lamp at the shore,leading her beloved husband safely home.The woman flock decided to confuse him of his waiting wife, therefore one evening they gathered near the shore with little lamps. Nevertheless as usuasl Alex rowed his boat passing by each little lamps. Among hundreds of little lamps in the think of night he pulled ashore his boat where Kathy was waiting.On the following day the woman flock made an effort to find the secret,that how Alex could find his wife's little lamp among many little lights similiar as hers. Without hesitation Alex replied,I could find my wife even in the darkest night among a hundred, because it's not her light rather her LOVE for me that shines bright.
"Happy is the man who finds a true friend,and far happier is he who finds that true friend is his Wife".
