

That Precious Moment.. ♥️
Hello Everyone, here i am presenting a short stories before you. Hope you like it all. 😊

"Hurried up girl,otherwise you will be late for the exam. " her mumma utter. "More five minute mumma, i wanna sleep more ", She replied. That was her JEE MAINS EXAM. She was getting ready for the exam to go to gi ve exam in other city. Then suddenly a sound came, how is my little daughter doing, "How well did she prepared for the exam?" papa said. She somewhat think a little and answered i am prepared for the exam papa waking up in the late night. Surely your daughter will rock it. But Deep inside she was knowing that its gonna be tough like fighting for a war by depending on a luck. 🤦‍♀️

And the journey begins, she sat next to her elder sister in local bus travelling to give exam. By taking the blessing of all elders, she departed. There was too much rush in the bus. It was hard for other people to get the place to sit. The bus was going, but then it stop at its bus stop so many young girl and boys come inside of it. That moment when our little heroine of the story was busy im thinking of her exam and preexam prsssure and nervousness, she found out something weird..

That.. Sight suddenly disturbed her she just got ran out of her worries and tension. What she saw was a boy starring at her. At first she thought she is seeing someone else so she turn her back to see who's there to whom he was staring, but she found that he was starring her only. She feel little wierd and uncomfortable. The guy was dressed up in a blue colored t-shirt with a google and a black colored pant. He was smart to look, was doing something with phone.

He was starring and starring the girl feel as if she is dressed something wrong.and the journey was going on. He keep staring even the girl started to star him back so that he should feel that she is looking him and would stop to stare her. But the guy doesn't. Guess what happen at the end of the journey.
In this staring and staring,the Girl fall in love with the guy, his beautiful eyes and that moment she still remember for all her life. She feel pain when he was about to leave as the journey was over. And they never met in their life further. The most important part of the whole journey was they had not talk a single word to each other. That was the love at first sight 😉

That awkward moment is the one of hte best moment in her life yet.

Hope you like the story☺️

🔸 It's true real life story Because it's my story, 😅.

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Which was your favourite part?
What changes should I make the story more interesting or what kinda twist would lead the story in other world.Thank you. 😊