

After watching the condition of Biyani.....sikhani is so scared about her future.
Sikhani: Mom..I confirm about lineo that She may be not good for our family.
Old women: Yes...may be but She is so sweet. I don't think she intentionally does anythingm
Shikhani says nothing because she knows that Lineo is now everyone favorite.
At that moment abhik comes..

Abhik: Sikhani...I want to talk with you...please Come with me.
Shikani's tension comes true the point.
Sikhani: okay...Let's go.
At that moment Lineo comes..
Lineo: Abhik, I want to talk with you.
Abhik: I don't want. You cheat me. You don't know How much I love you.
Lineo: (Start to cry)
Abhik: Okay...I will come with you.
Sikhani: No, Not now...Abhik...You want to talk with me...right?
Abhik: I will talk with you later
Sikhani: But...
Abhik: shut up...
Lineo and Abhik go to the Terence.
Sikhani follows them to hear their conversation.
Lineo: Abhik...I am sorry..
Abhik: Why?
Lineo: Actually....I Want to marry with you...But..Your wife sikhani warned me to get out from your life.
Abhik: What?
Lineo: Please don't tell anyone...I don't want any fight between you and your wife.
Abhik: What the fool she is!
I will see her. But now what you want...
Lineo: Let's go to the far from this place....
Abhik: Don't worry....I am with you forever and forever.But what about shabo?
Lineo: He is a good man and he will understand.
After hearing All the conversation..Sikhani is in shock.
Shikani Directly goes to the room and lying on the bed and crying silently.
At that moment Abhik comes to the room and hold the hand of the sikhani and starting to beat her.
Abhik: How dare you.....
Get out from my house.
Shikani : Please...I want to be with you...Don't beat me.
After hearing the noise...Old women comes to their room..
Old women : Abhik...stop...why are you beating the poor girl?
Abhik: I don't want to see her face..Tell her to go to Her parent home.
Lineo comes and stops the fight..
Lineo: Abhik...why are fighting both of you?
Sikhani Slaps the Lineo*)
Sikhani: Bad luck....You are worst person ever I see in my life. Just get out of our house and our life....You destroy women! .Mom she has a evil mind.. believe me.
Abhik: Shut up...sikhani...You zealous of her....And her beauty..I know you better..You get out of my house...
Now and now..
Sikhani is not like Biyani...she is as bad as Lineo
Sikhani: Okay...abhik...I will tell nothing...I am sorry lineo....please I want to live in this house. please...Forgive me.
Abhik : okay...if Lineo will agree
Lineo: I don't have problem..But I think...abhik she should...okay no problem
Sikhani: Abhik....see...she agrees...
Abhik: Okay...But You will sleep with my mom not in my room..
Sikhani: Okay....as You say.
Everything is in now proper in way.
At 3.00 am...
Lineo comes to the sheri room and calls him.
Sheri: I don't want to talk with you.
Lineo: Sheri...Please save me...
Your brother Abhik wants to forcefully take me in another place and wants to marry me also.. You are the he man...please save me...
Sheri: Why? Shabo brother will help her..You love him but don't me.
Lineo: Please understand. I don't want to marry shabo...Abhik tells me to do that...If I will marry with you...
Abhik will kill you...
I just want to save you.
That's why I tell shabo's name.
Sheri: Oh..Now I understand...
Lineo: Now...I will go to my room....please help me.

On The next morning..
A man with many people shout in high.
Old Women come to see and find that It is Biyani big brother Anmol. He is a politician.
Anmol: call the shabo I want to talk with him...How dare he...!
Old women: Please...forgive him. He is not in sense...
At that moment Shabo comes
ShabO: Yes...I will divorce her because I love Lineo.
Anmol: What..? Okay I will kill you and Your beloved lineo. call her.
At that moment...Lineo appears infront of Anmol.
Anmol is looking at Lineo in minutes and seconds.
Anmol: Is this Lineo?
Lineo gives a sweet smile
Lineo: Yes...I am Lineo.
Shabo: Yes....I will marry her.

Anmol is laughing and laughing.
Anmol: This girl never deserves you...She deserves me.....If this girl will mine...then everything will be solved.
Shabo: what? Are you crazy?
Anmol: Yes...I am..Hey all my boys...Pick up the girl...capture her...I will marry her today.
Lineo: Wait....wait...I don't want to marry.
Anmol: You will say nothing. I will marry you...its final.
Lineo: Why? I don't want you.
shabo: Anmol...I will kill you if you touch her..
Anmol: seriously..shabo...you are a cheater. You destroy my sister life.Lineo..trust me...shabo will leave you one day.
Lineo: I don't think so.
At that moment Abhik comes with anger.
Abhik: Don't dare to touch my lineo.
Anmol: Hey....abhik the good boy...You also love lineo.
Abhik: Yes...
Anmol: You and your brother character is not good...You should be punished.
Lineo: Biyani's brother I will marry the one who can answer my one question. please call the sheri....
Old women calls the sheri.
Sheri: I am here.
Lineo: good....Now..Lineo takes 4 knife and tells...if anyone cannot give the right answer...he will be killed and only..winner can get me.
Abhik: What?
Shabo: No...
Anmol: Okay...I am a brave..one
Sheri: okay...
Lineo: Anmol...please call the biyani..
Anmol: okay...I will call her
Biyani comes in time after calling.
Lineo: If all of you find another more beautiful girl than me...Then will you leave me because of her beauty?Give the right answer....If anyone give wrong one...He will be killed.
Abhik: Lineo...I love you...Isn't it necessary for you?
Lineo: Answer the question abhik.
Shabo: No...I will never leave you
Anmol: Never...Never...I Only for you.
Abhik: Yes....same same....
Sheri: Lineo...I am never in love with you...I just want your beauty. If Any beauty more than you is present in this world, I will leave you....it is true.
Lineo smiles and comes closer to sheri.Then a dangerous thing is happened. Lineo knifed Sheri.
Everone is surprised. Old women shoutes.
Lineo: Don't shout the old .
There will be no one more beauty than me. How dare he can...to say...He will leave me.
Shabo: What are trying to say.?
Lineo: I am trying to say that...all of 3 are true.So I will marry you...abhik and anmol.
Shabo:But You tell me that...You only love me that's why I leave biyani..
Abhik: No..brother....Actually She loves me...because of my wife warning..She cannot tell the truth.
Anmol: Who care....Lineo..You only mine.
Old women: I understand now. Lineo ...you are a witch...My sheri is about to die...but his brothers don't even try to help him.Shabo...let'S go hospital.
Shabo: Later.....At first Lineo will be mine...
Abhik: No shabo....She is mine.
Anmol : NO.....she is mine...
All of 3 start to hit each other.
Everone is hurted.
At that moment....Lineo shouts high...
Everyone see that Lineo is lying on the floor and...bleeding comes out from the floor.
Abhik run to the lineo and see that biyani Knifed the Lineo.
Abhik: Why do you kill her?
Shabo starts to hurt the biyani.
Anmol tries to stop...
Biyani: I solve all of the problem. She starts to play the love game and I End it.
Shabo: Biyani!
Biyani: Don't dare to take my name. You kill the biyani...
shabo: Biyani....
Old women: Lets go to the hospital immediately....
So sheri and Lineo both of them is admitted to the hospital.

To be continued 💓💚