

The Ghost of Redwood Man
In a quaint village surrounded by tall trees and flowing rivers, there lived a noble man named Augustus Redwood. He was known for his kindness and fairness. Augustus spent his days helping his neighbors, tending to his lush fields, and teaching the village children how to read and write. Everyone loved him, and he was seen as a protector of the village.

Among his friends was Marcus Cunningham, a man who once shared many adventures with Augustus. However, as time went by, Marcus grew jealous of Augustus’s popularity and success. The darkness of envy crept into Marcus's heart, and he began to plot against his friend. He wanted to take control of the village for himself, believing he could rule better than Augustus.

One fateful night, as Augustus walked home under the stars, Marcus ambushed him in the forest. "You have too much power, Augustus," Marcus sneered, his voice filled with anger. "It’s time for you to disappear!" In a terrible fight, Marcus attacked Augustus with a hidden dagger. Augustus, shocked by the betrayal, struggled but was ultimately overpowered.

As he lay on the ground, bleeding and weak, Augustus looked up at the twinkling stars and whispered, "I vow to protect my family and this village, even in death." With those final words, he closed his eyes, his spirit filled with love for his home and his people.

After Augustus’s tragic death, strange occurrences began to happen in the village. On nights when danger approached, villagers felt a chill in the air, and whispers of a ghostly figure spread among them. If anyone tried to harm the village, they would see a shimmering light in the forest, and the air would grow heavy with a sense of protection.

One stormy night, a group of bandits decided to attack the village, believing the people would be too frightened to fight back. They crept silently through the dark woods, ready to cause chaos. But as they approached, the wind howled, and the trees seemed to sway as if warning them.

Suddenly, the ghost of Augustus Redwood emerged from the shadows, glowing like a lantern in the night. His presence was strong and commanding. "You will not harm my family or my village!" he declared, his voice echoing through the trees. The bandits froze in fear, unable to move as they felt the power of Augustus’s spirit.

With a wave of his hand, the ghost summoned a fierce wind that knocked the bandits off their feet. They scrambled to escape, running back into the forest, terrified by the sight of the noble protector. They never returned to the village again.

The villagers, grateful for Augustus’s protection, built a small shrine in his honor at the edge of the forest. They would gather there to remember his bravery and kindness, lighting candles and sharing stories of their beloved friend.

As long as they honored Augustus Redwood, they knew they were safe. His ghost wandered the woods, a guardian of the village, forever watching over the people he loved. The legend of the Ghost of Redwood Man lived on, a reminder that true nobility and love would never fade, even beyond death.
© Nishmitha Kotian