

A story part 2/??
[Back to her POV...]

"Yo, why so quiet?" I asked, sensing the awkwardness in the air as I skipped in holding a cup of milk tea.

"Bother~~ I brought you your favourite milk tea~" I say out childishly, eyes shining brightly as I awaited for his praise.

He chuckled before he ruffled my hair, taking the drink off my hand before unwrapping the straw.

"Are you dumb? Alex don't drink this type of milk te-" Anger issues guy tried exclaiming as I scoffed at his words.

"Excuse me you uncultured swine? You dare say that I don't know what kind of milk tea that he likes? I personally made that." I huffed out.

"And I exactly remember his tastes, he didn't like it to be too sweet so I put about 5% sweetness in there. The pearls were the exact same chewiness that he likes too." I hmphed out im reply.

"Sorry miss but we've tried buying him milk tea before but he didn't like it. I mean look at his fac- Oh my gosh he enjoys it!?" The patient sounding guy explains before exclaiming in shock.

"Woah I'm sorry for doubting." He said as I smiled.

"I like you... I don't mind you being his husband." I said with a calm smile, "W-what!? Sorry but I'm just his good friend. We don't like each other like that." He exclaims frantically.

"Wait... Good friend? By any chance are you Ben?" I asked, recalling that my brother wrote about him before in an email he sent.

"Yes, how did you know?" He asked puzzled.

"Well when my brother and I messaged or video chat he would mention that you were his friend that's constantly helping him out. You have my thanks for that." I grinned at Ben.

"Why of course, anything for a friend right." He grinned back at me.

"Ooo brother I like him." I nodded at his statement, "No I won't let you date him." My brother replied coldly giving Ben the stink eye.

"Hey, I didn't mean it by that." I sighed, rolling my eyes slightly at his overprotective self.

"It better be that way." My brother snorted softly.

"Brother~ I've decided..." I trailed off with a big smile on my face.

"What is it?" He asked curiously, "I'm going to stay again." I said with a grin, "R-really!?" He asked me shakily.

"Yep, I've not yet bought a house ye-" I answered, "You can stay at me at my private villa." He fired quickly.

"Oh... Okay!" I replied back cheerfully at his enthusiasm.

"Your private villa!!" Almost all of them exclaimed with their eyes widening.

"Why? What is it to you?" I scoffed at them excluding Ben, "He... He never lets anyone in his private villa!" The delinquent guy gritted out.

"Whatever... Oh and I'm going to attend school." I announced to him, "School? Why so?" He asked.

"Because I'm bored~~" I whined slightly, "Okay, I'll enroll you into the most prestigious school." He said with a smile patting my head.

"But I want to go to a neighbourhood school~" I whined slightly. "But there are thugs in the school." My brother replied seriously.

"But I can kick ass in the school." I replied back calmly with a grin. "I... *Sigh* Fine, if I rejected you would have left wouldn't you." He said.

"Uh... Maybe?" I replied with an awkward smile chuckling away as I averted my eyes.

"... Don't leave me alone again Alexis..." He trailed off, the word 'again' shook my heart strings as I felt an urge to just cry.

"You dummy... I won't leave... Without notice okay." I chuckled out as I discreetly wiped away my tears.

"I'll enroll you into a school now." My brother sighed, picking up his phone as he speed dialled a number.

"Hey, enroll some people to a good public school." He said coldly, "For my sister and I." He replied with a twinge of smile shown on his face.

My mouth went agape as he said 'I', he ended the call swiftly afterwards and smiled at me brightly. "YOU'RE GOING WITH ME?!" I exclaimed out as the others excluding his best friend quickly speed dialled someone.

Before nodding in satisfaction, "Don't tell me..." I trailed off to Ben my brother's friend.

"Yup... Knowing them they're going to join as well." Ben nodded with a deadpan.

• • •

"I... WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING US!?" I couldn't help but exclaim as I turned behind to see the guys following me from behind.

Alex clinging onto my shirt like a lost puppy but it's fine cause he is being hidden but the large group of 'handsome' guys following me is causing people to gossip about us, more specifically me in public!

I rolled my eyes before giving my brother my puppy eyes, "Brother, I don't like them following us. I want to spend time with you only brother." I whined slightly like a spoilt brat to my brother.

"Get lost." My brother stood up straight and glared at the mob of his 'friends' to disperse as they glared at me angrily.

[They hung out together for awhile]

"Now... Lets enter the school." I sighed staring up at the mediocre looking school.

"Don't follow me brother~ I even made sure that our classes are separated." I smiled at him brightly as he went into his gloomy mode.

"Why..." He trailed off sadly, "Brother~ We'll meet during lunch break." I tried cheering him up slightly.

"Fine..." He sighed before we split ways, I went towards classroom 2-E and knocked on the door politely.

"Come on in." A cheery voice rang out before I opened the doors and walked in, "You must be the new student." He smiled at me.

"Yes thank you for having me." I smiled at him before I turned to face the classroom, seeing foreign faces stare at mine with an excited dazed out look.

[She has orange hair colour and emerald green eyes..]

"Hello mt name is Alexis, I hope we can get to be great friends." I bowed down at them.

"Is there any questions you want to ask Alexis?" The teacher responded before multiple hands shoot up quickly.

"Uh you." I pointed at a girl staring at me weirdly, "Why are you wearing a wig?" She scoffed out loud.

"A wig? This is my real hair." I replied back composedly which irritated her further.

"Mase! That was rude." The teacher frowned at her comment before he smiled at me awkwardly. "Hmph! What can you do to me? I'll make my daddy fire you!" She screeched out as I frowned.

16 and she's still acting like a brat.

"Sorry about that." The teacher says with a sigh, "It's fine, next student?" I replied pointing at another student.

"Uh... Where are you from?" She asked me meekly. "I was born and raised here, I'm a local." I responded and smiled at her.

"B-but your hair and eye colour?" She stammered out confusedly, "My hair colour is inherited from my ancestors while my eye colour is from my father." I explained slightly.

"Oh! Thank you for explaining." She did a slight bow, "No, thank you for asking." I smiled back politely with a slight bow.

"May I go to my seat now?" I asked the teacher as he nodded, "Wait! What is your last name?" Mase called out.

"Why do you want to know Miss Mase?" I asked with a slightly strained smile, "Hmph. Just tell me!" She stated rudely, looking slightly pleased at what I called her.

"My last name...... I don't have one." I replied with fake hesitance to make my statement seem more real

"Hah! An orphan!? Even an orphan can join a school?" Mase scoffed, "Mase! Stop being rude to the new girl." The teacher berated with a frowning face.

"Tch whatever, you aren't going to be here any longer anyways." Mase rolled her eyes at the teachers response.

"Hey you better listen up alright? I've got enough of your stupid attitude and if I hear that again I'll make sure your father's company crash and die." I told her coldly.

"Why yo-" She tried retorting after a nasty expression was shown on her face.

"Go on. I don't mind, all it takes is just one call." I smiled at her sweetly.

[DoN'T bE ShY!]

"Heh! Like you have the capability to do that." She snorted out as I gave her my smiling face.

"How did you even get into this prestigious school? Since you're an orphan that must mean you are very smart right?" She began teasing me sarcastically.

"Heh go on, I bet you can't make a sentence without 'a'." She scoffed.

I stared at her amusedly, parting my lips open to respond.

[I got this from a meme online credits to original person]

"You thought you just did something there didn't you? Well sorry to burst your bubble but numerous sentences could be constructed without employing the first letter of the English lexicon." Staring at her indifferently as her mouth went wide.

"W-why you!" She exclaimed once more, "Can you say anything else other than those few words?" I asked rolling my eyes at her.

Her eyes went teary before she swung her handphone up to her ear, "Daddy! Someone is bullying me!" She sobbed out.

I can clearly hear the man grunt out, "What?! I'm coming right away!" Before she put down the phone and smirked at me, still sniffling.

"Heh! You are going to get it!" She snorts out haughtily.
© Naruko