

The Maker's Lair
There she stood, in all her glory, veiled by the mist, the Castle of Cyrein. For two months they had journeyed, battling beast and disease alike. Serana was all that remained of her crew. She clutched the rings as she walked towards the door, tired but eager to meet her maker. The Maker’s lair, they called it, the place where all life began. She would find all her answers there, the old beggar had said. A woman stood at the door, exhausted. She looked familiar. As Serana drew closer, the woman disappeared into the castle, screaming at the top of her lungs. Serana followed her into the castle and darkness engulfed her. She shivered in the cold and wondered whether to proceed. She could see light coming from a doorway at the end. Serana broke into a run, determined to escape the darkness. She stepped out, puzzled. Another entrance and yet another forest? A woman appeared through the woods at a distance, fists rolled as if clutching something in her hands. She started walking towards the castle, exhausted, but with a determined look on her face. Serana screamed as she ran, into the castle, determined but exhausted.
© Shine_Ali