

the pow wow
one Saturday morning it was the pow wow, if you dont know what a pow wow is here let me tell you so it's this every year and 1 month thing we're all my people my calture gather together and dance sing and drumming. it's my all time favorite day. I would gather around the jingle bell dancers because I think the Bella sounds beautiful when they dance. after that I went to do this competition were I have to grab a feather only using my mouth, and surprisingly I actually won. after that my surprise was a wood carved feather I loved it. and then I went to dance our dancing was way different it wasn't hip hop it was dancing like how we would dance in the nature my calture is attached to the nature I loved the nature it's beautiful. late that day it was time for everyone to go home I didn't want to go home I was having so much fun but I knew that I had to Mabey next year I can go again.