

Daddy Be Gentle(prt 1)
The alarm clock by my bed stand woke me up, it was another boring day i hit the alarm clock to shut it up, I dragged myself up from bed. just then my phone rang(......) I immediately picked it up.
"Mr. Jordan would like to speak to you".
thats odd i have never heard of this name before, but he has the same surname as me, could it be?
"who is Mr.jordan?"
"Your father, miss Cassandra"
wow they even know the name my mum gave me.
"Text me the Address".
"I dont understand you cassie how did you get so drunk"
"relax Zylith I will be fine, its weekend tomorrow, no work", I staggered a little as I work on the rough floors of Johannesburg, like a really drunk lady, but zylith never knew that I was just really freaking tired of this life, I had never had a moment rest I life since my mum died, leaving me with just a pendant to my mame, I had walk through many struggles to be where I am today. I was so lost in thought that I didn't know I bumped into someone.
"zylith turn the light on, oh my what's.. this" I felt something hard.
"oh my Cassie what have you done?, Am very sorry sir" sir??? (gasp), I suddenly felt like I wanted to puke, and I barfed on his suit which was a total mistake.
And I didnt get to see his face, because I fainted, was he the one that took me home, but that is highly impossible an unknown person taking another unknown drunk girl home, pfft oh please. i laughed silently as I got ready, when I dolled up I whipped my phone from the side desk, and just then. (.......), it was zylith my best friend
"hey zylith, I have a got a really bad hungover"
"I pray to the heavens that your head splits open right now!!!"
"why do you say that?" I locked my door and entered into the car
"so you don't remember anything??", that made me nervous as hell
"is there anything I should be worried about?"
" do you remember that guy you puked on?", seems like there is more.
"he took you home" what...!!!, I immediately hit the break "Are you okay Cassie"
"you mean you allowed a stranger to take me home!" what kind of friend do I have
"I had a family emergency!"
"what happened?" my tone went from pissed to soft
"my brother was rushed to the hospital" (gasp)
"is he alright, I will come visit him later I have somewhere to be"
"have you taken medication for your hungover, what about breakfast??" as caring as always.
"I stopped by a store, I bought some, and I got some instant noodles, so all checked"
"OK good".
As I cut her off I arrived at my destination, it was a very big building which everybody knew belonged the widowed businessman Alan Jordan, it was very luxurious and so damn high, I can't imagine myself jumping from that height. there were some bodyguards who showed me in, obviously they were waiting for me, we went through the elevator and finally arrived at his office that was the last floor. I famished at how everything was exquisite, there was a desk with fine polished wood, slowly the man turned........

stay tuned.........

© Rosey