

The Kindly Invisible Man, part 3
There was a loud bang. And afterwards, everything turned black. For a moment, Darren just didn’t knew where he was or what happened. Not again, he thought – and hoped – when he realized that he was in his bedroom. He found himself alone and the alarm clock on the floor.

And Darren couldn’t remember about anything from late last night when he went back home from the cliff – still with Ronnie in his car.

But the young man wasn’t here.

There was no sign of him, like he hadn’t been here at all.

Darren needed some fresh air, a cool mind and went out of his bedroom into the living room. He opened the big window to soak in the clear morning breeze. He was glad about the shiver to his body as a result. Because somehow he thought that this was prove enough that this right here, right now wasn’t a dream or a nightmare or anything else his mind was playing with him.

He felt sadness looming.

But before grief was able to take over his mind, Darren’s focus was shifted to his front door. Because he’d heard something. And after a moment of paying attention, there was this sound again.

The sound of an opening door was followed by a closing door. And it was obvious that someone just entered Darren’s flat.

But before he could call the police or pick something he was able to use as a weapon, Ronnie emerged in the living room. And when he saw Darren, he just smiled and held up a bag from the bakery around the corner.

»Good morning. I didn’t want to wake you. But you still look ready for breakfast,« Ronnie said, still looking like the fresh new day himself. But when Darren didn’t answer or replied anything but just staring at the young man, Ronnie went over to him. He put his free hand on his shoulder and then wanted to know if everything was alright with him.

Darren needed another moment for any reaction. He felt the hand on his shoulder, smelled the pleasant scent of fresh bread and Ronnie’s aftershave at the same time.

And softly, Darren asked himself and the young man standing right in front of him: »Is this real?«

»It is as real as you like it to be,« Ronnie replied. The kiss that followed felt real, too. And then the young man left to go to Darren’s kitchen to probably prepare breakfast.


#suspense #relationships #paranormal