

Chapter 4

Angel came out of the coma a week later it's been a month since she was seen outside or Greg outside. They had her in the hospital still recovering.

"Hey ma," Angel said seeing her mother walk in.

"Hey, daughter. Are you ready to leave today? You haven't left this place in a month." Cathy laughing

"Yes, ma I'm so ready to leave here. Feel like I'm in jail" Angel laughing right with her mother.

" Okay, Ms. Smith you get to go home today. I need you to be very careful and give yourself some time to adjust okay.?" Her doctor said walking in

"Okay thank you so much for the help this week," Angel said.

"That's our job to make sure our patients are well taken care of," the doctor said.

Angel got dressed and walked out into the lobby she was nervous cause she had been in there for a month. But she was ready to start her new life. She's been doing her online nursing school for a month and passed it with no problem. So she knew she was going to be good at a job.

"I finally get to be out here," Angel said as she lifted her head closing her eyes just feeling the breeze hit her face.

He was 78 degrees out so it felt amazing to her.

"You wanna go to lunch," her mother said

"Yes ma'am hurry up and drive away," Angel said.

they both let out a laughter. Pulling up to this restaurant they get out and she notices Eunik is there also. Little did Angel know her mother called her.

"Angel," Eunik said.

"Eunik omg bring your butt here. I've missed you so much" the angel said.

They all sit down at the table. Angel ordered her some chicken strips and some fries. Eunik wanted some chicken, Alfredo. And Mrs. Cathy got her a salad with a side of ribs.

"Hey ma I wanted to talk to y'all about me moving," the angel said.

"Moving," her mother said looking at her.

"Yes, ma. You know I've passed my classes in the nursing field. They want me to move there" Angel said.

"And there is," her mother said.

"Indiana mom. I won't be far just two hours away plus what Greg did to me Mom I don't wanna be here anymore I don't wanna be around people. All they gone ask me is "you okay"..I don't want that ma"

"Okay baby you are grown. You just turn 19 baby I just want you to be careful. When did you plan on leaving?"

"Next week," Angel said

"Well damn," Lunik said

"Sorry ms. smith" Eunik said laughing.

" So soon baby why?" Cathy said

"Cause first off I'm not coming home to no money I'm not gone wanna be sitting in the house. I need to make moves fast ma" Angel said.

One thing about Mrs. Cathy's daughter she loved her money and nobody could stop that...

"All alright baby," mMrsCathy said

Leaving the restaurant eunik said goodbye to Angel and they parted ways. Angel got in the car and her mother was just looking at her.

" What's wrong ma?" Angel said

" Why didn't you come to me about the abused baby? I know you don't wanna talk about it but I wanna know" Cathy said

" Mom I was scared okay? I felt stuck and I loved him more than myself. " Angel said as tears started running down her face.

"Look, baby. It's okay to make mistakes. Sometimes people would make you feel like they have some type of control over you. But you will always have control over yourself okay? You never let anybody try or get control of you. You're my baby and I know you're a very strong woman. I love you" said Cathy

"I love you too ma," Angel said.

Pulling to the house. She felt like she just moved back in with her parents. going to her room which was still the same. She felt like it needed a change. But what if she planned on leaving?

"Hey big head," Miguel said

"Hey," Angel said.

"Are you okay, need something?" Migel said.

"No I'm just tryna get back to feeling like I'm at home," Angel said looking around and feeling different than before.

"Take your time sis. Mom is about to cook, I'll yell to let you know when it is ready" Miguel said.

After dinner, everyone parted ways and went into their ooom. Angel was lying in bed just thinking about her next move and what she wanted to focus on. This past year she never felt like herself or got to do anything for herself.

The next morning Angel was up before everyone else. Online she found a place in Indiana. It was a condo 2,000 a month. She had it because of her parents. But she still wanted to make her money and not live off of there's.

"Good morning baby," Mom said

"Good morning Mothe,r" Angel said.

"What you looking at?" Cathy said.

"I've found a place in Indiana I already put in an application, so hopefully they'll reach me," Angel said.

"Trust me they will baby," Mom said.

Angel got up to go get dressed today shit ain't wanna just stay in the house she wanted to get out. Pulling out her cell she called Eunik

"What's up," Lunik said

"Wanna hang?" Angel said.

"Yeah I'll be there in 15," Eunik said.

Eunik was the only friend Angel got there. Nobody ain't fucked with Angel cause she was pretty and she was well raised. Some females didn't like that, cause they thought she was so bougie. But she wasn't.
Angel hears honking coming from outside she looks threw her blinds And notices Eunik's car.

"Alright Mom I'm gone," Angel said.

"Hold on," Rick said

"To where?" Rick said.

"I'm going with Eunik Day. I don't know where but I will pin y'all the address okay?" Angel said.

"Alright, we love you," mom said.

Getting in the car eunik pulled off

"So what's up what you wanna do today?" Eunik said.

"It doesn't matter. I am hungry " Angel said laughing.

"Always wanna eat I tell you," Erik said

They pulled up to Bdubs and both ordered them some buffalo wings with fries. Later that day they went to the bar and shopped a little bit before dropping Angel back off. Angel walks into the house a little tipsy but not really. She just wanted to go to bed it was already 11. Getting into the house she was stopped by her older brother Shawn

"So you've been out all night and ain't tell nobody," Shawn said.

"Umm first off Mom and Dad had all my locations the whole night," Angel said.

"But you ain't bother to send it to me?" Shawn said.

He ain't care about her giving it to Mom and Dad he wanted it for himself too. Cause he felt like he could get to her faster than anybody else.

"Still though make sure you send that shit to me too," Shawn said.

"Why are you being so protective Shawn, I just got home today, give me a break," Angel said.

"Give you a break? Nah I can't let that happen anymore. You my sister my only one at that. And I almost lost you, you think I'ma let that shit happen again?" Shawn said.

"I'm sorry," Angel said giving her brother a hug

"Love you sis always," Chris said.

"Love you too," Angel said.

Angel knew her brother was going to be more overprotective of her and she wanted that from him.

The next morning Angel got a call back for the condo she was ready to put her money down and leave. She was excited to start over in life. It was just at the perfect timing.

"Ma I got the place," Angel said.

"That's good baby, when do you plan on leaving?" Cathy said

"Next week," Angel said. Her mom was nervous but knew her daughter would be alright wherever she went.

© Myesha O