

Marijuana For Medicinal Use
In my opinion Marijuana was given a bad wrap to begin with. Unfortunately it was stripped from the people’s hands before they could research it enough to trump some of the skepticism. One day it’s benefits will be evident to everyone and it’ll be an option for people that need it anywhere. Corporations are threatened by its legalization not the people for patients with Arthritis,Cancer,Epilepsy,Chronic Pain, and Crohn’s Disease it is a blessing. Hopefully it’ll soon be exploited for it’s health benefits and not the “detrimental side effects” listed by corporations that would no longer serve a purpose after the mass use of hemp.

Consensus exists that marijuana may be helpful in treating certain carefully defined medical conditions. In its comprehensive 1999 review, for example, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) concluded that marijuana may be modestly effective for pain relief (particularly nerve pain), appetite stimulation for people with AIDS wasting syndrome, and control of chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting. Alcohol is legal although it has absolutely no desired side effects. Federal officials should tell us the real reason marijuana isn’t allowed to be used even medically in some states to this day. Why do we deny our own communities the chance to better their conditions without depending on opioids or any other harmful “pharmaceutical solution” which tend to only lead to a road of dependence on other harmful drugs methadone, etc.?

Cannabinoids promote embryonic and adult hippocampus neurogenesis (brain cell growth),and anti-depressant-like effects. People can clearly benefit from medical marijuana, it shouldn’t be classified as a narcotic. The only thing that comes from classifying it as a Schedule 1 drug is people having to see dealers to get through their ailments instead of a doctor,because the state honestly believes it to be in the same class as heroin,LSD, and ecstasy.Merriment, happiness, and even exhilaration at high doses. Those are just some of the side effects listed by the DEA terrible right?

No death from overdose of marijuana has been reported. From the bit of data I’ve acquired since beginning this essay has pointed to an endless list of benefits and I hope one day we can look at it like any other plant. We should be able to use anything that grows from the earth and downplaying its benefits only benefits companies that can’t compete with medical marijuana and what it offers in comparison of a prescribed drug that slowly like almost everything else kills you. Corrections Corporations of America, one of the largest for-profit prison companies in the U.S., has spent nearly $1 million a year on lobbying efforts. The company even stated in a report that “changes with respect to drugs and controlled substances,could affect the number of persons arrested, convicted, and sentenced, thereby potentially reducing demand for correctional facilities to house them.

In conclusion this’ll never change anyone’s views because money is the only thing we know as a society not whether it helps or prevents anything, just if it affects the amount of money in someone else’s pocket. Hopefully the ones prolonging the eventual legalization have no more like minded successor’s. I also hope the newer generations can look past the money lost and truly look for the one’s it helps. Medicinal use shouldn’t be mistaken for recreational use, our government could distribute pills without the “dangerous” chemicals of marijuana in them and still help the people that truly benefit from it. That’d just be a baby step towards lost income for many corporations that rely on the meaningless arrests that marijuana brings. It truly saddens me that people would fight something that helps people just for the money it brings to people that have enough of it to begin with in my opinion. The prohibition of Marijuana was brought on by companies that would suffer financially from its legalization.

© mojojojo2895