

Marijuana For Medicinal Use
In my opinion Marijuana was given a bad wrap to begin with. Unfortunately it was stripped from the people’s hands before they could research it enough to trump some of the skepticism. One day it’s benefits will be evident to everyone and it’ll be an option for people that need it anywhere. Corporations are threatened by its legalization not the people for patients with Arthritis,Cancer,Epilepsy,Chronic Pain, and Crohn’s Disease it is a blessing. Hopefully it’ll soon be exploited for it’s health benefits and not the “detrimental side effects” listed by corporations that would no longer serve a purpose after the mass use of hemp.

Consensus exists that marijuana may be helpful in treating certain carefully defined medical conditions. In its comprehensive 1999 review, for example, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) concluded that marijuana may be modestly effective for pain relief (particularly nerve pain), appetite stimulation for people with AIDS wasting syndrome, and control...