

Midnight-Season 2 ♡Part Two♡
Fast forward a few years and Midnight is now 17. She has lots of friends and her life is now on the more normal side because she has learned everything to know about being half wolf half demon.
Danny is now after the picture after he disappeared one night on his way home from a party. They had the funeral a few days later even though his body was never found. Everybody believes that he either moved away or died.
"Hey guys you wanna go to my house?" Asked David.
"Sure" They all said.
David's house was the biggest house on their block and probably the nicest too. It had 2 floors, 2 bathrooms, and a good sized living room that was in the 2nd floor.
"Let's play truth or dare" Suggest Gabriel.
Gabriel is a demon that Midnight met one day when she was on her way to the cliff. And now Gabriel and Alex have been dating for a while. Alex is gay and Gabriel is Bi.
"Sure" Everybody said.
"Okay who goes first?"Midnight asked.
"I-"Gabriel got cut off by david.
"I'll go first." Said David.
"Midnight, Truth or dare?"David asked.
"Dare" Midnight said confidently.
"I dare you to sit on your crushes lap" David said with a wink and a smile.
"Okay, David sit down" Midnight winked.
David blushed and thought that she was just joking but then Midnight pushed David onto the couch and sat on his lap.
"Get off me!"
Midnight got up smiling.
"Hey you dared me too"