

Dark Forces
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Revival by Stephen King:

He unlocked a door and led me through an office that was empty of furniture, although I could still see square clean patches on the grimy linoleum, where the legs of a desk had once stood. On the wall was a curling calendar with April 1989 showing.

The air was thick and heavy, he knew he wasn't alone and he felt something awful was about to happen..
Josh began breathing heavy from the sight he was seeing, he was frozen in fear and from the look of this creature it had horns, sharp fangs and a very thick tail. it's skin was a slimy black and had scales on it. This thing got closer and closer to Josh right before it vanished in thin air. Josh's feet was sticky at the bottom from the sticky linoleum. Piss ran down his leg right before he fell flat on his face, breaking his nose making it bleed out.
Josh, Josh man wake up, what the hell happened to you!? Josh's eyes opened up wide as he gasp for air. his hands grabbed Mark, whom was one of his buddies that followed him to the old plant in Ohio that was haunted extremely haunted, as Josh had just found out.
© WesleyMcvay