

Recap: our characters are Zaara nd John they are friends and we saw their families and what they are doing....
Let's delay we know abt how they become frds🤗
In front of the mirror she tells how cute he is? after that she was more eager to know abt him more.so she asked her friend Joy I wanna know about him plz help me Joy she said.Joy told her kk dr I will help u to know abt more and she ask what is his name nd how he is nd What job he is doing? Zaara told he is jhon and his father is running a hand loom company I know only these details dd.kk Zaara it's enough to me to find don't worry she said and went.why she told to her means she does a spy wrk in her schl days so only zaara gave thiz amazing wrk😅 and Joy is also her best friend. Joy started his wrk and found him finally he was nearer to her street but she couldn't see him at those days. After she informed Zaara abt the John home and she gave a idea go nd purchase the clothes in hiss handloom nd be a frd to him she told. Joy said oh 🤨🤨 she stared her and kk I will do thiz for u nd went.
(after few days)
Joy purchase the clothes in Jhon's handloom and she closed to him at the 1st meet. the reason behind is both characters r same. thn Joy said to him trm I will introduce to u my dearest bestie we three will meet on Trm 5 at coffee shop she said he asked her what's her name she said don't hurry man just wait for Trm nd went.
Joy told to Zaara through cal we met and we became close frds too and I also introduce u to him Trm 5 at our meeting point d she said Ooo thanks my dr we will meet Trm take care Gn. mm bye d.
At tht night in zaara's room
she was very curious to see him and she searched for a better dress she had and at tht night for her it is a sleep less night and also she scolded her frd herself why means she said thy become close frds for that 😅.
The next day
Zaara completed her wrk and she was at the coffee shop at sharp 4.45😂.The full day she was very curious.
Her frd came with John and three met and Joy intro zaara he is John after both hand saked and Spoke for just 10mins after that they shared the number nd kk guys I have a work I'm leaving bye she said.Joy pressed her hand wait where are you going nd why r u leaving she asked. Zara replied nothing nd went.she fastly came to her home and she 1st entered her room go in front of the mirror again nd spoke why u came here😔 u have a desire to spend a Tym with him but why u came she asked herself badly. (she a curious but at the same tym she have a great fear too so she left the place and also she met a boy 1st tym in her life)
After 3 weeks John called her mobile and said I wanna meet u will u come to the same shop at the same tym he asked,Zaara was speechless and just told mmm I will and cut the phn...
After cut the call Zzaraa was flying in the sky her legs can't stand but she is running to meet him. (at the tym of running he thought was 1st tym I'm meeting him lonely thiz tym wanna speak to him don't fear I'm with you she encourages herself)
At 5oclk in coffee shop
This tym also she is 1st
John came ,Hi Zaara how are you? he asked. she slurred I'm I'm fine Jho Jhon. Don't panic Zaara I'm ur frd why r u afraid of me? No no no Jhon I'm not afraid of u it's it's due to a lotzzzzz of happiness 😍 she said. OK OK relax
he-lets order something
she -no u order
he-no I called u it's my treat and u want to order
she-oh kk for u what she asked
he-ur's wish
she-oh kk (barrer-ss Mam 2cold coffees, kk mam)
both had a coffee and spoke more than a hour. their meeting continued and they become thickest frds thy share everything abt theri jobs frds family......
after days going thy cal both of them with a cute name
he called her as craze
she called him as a champ
like that thy became best friends
now come to our present and know where they are going to the tym at 5oclk in the next.....
to be continued.......

© -krish 👣