

A saviour was born..
A saviour was born into this world not to condemn the world..but to save the world. His name is Jesus. God sent His only son Jesus into the world to save the world..

For unto us a son is given..and the government shall be upon His shoulders. He shall be called wonderful, counselor, the greatest physician ..the prince of peace..Those who believe in Jesus will gain eternal life...

Jesus was born into the world through immaculate conception...His birth was a miracle because it was a virgin birth...Those who believe in God will gain eternal life.

In my life I faced many adversities..but because I believed strongly in God..and my faith got strengthen..and I did not depart from Jesus...He saved my life at the point of death...due to fat embolism..
So I want to thank and praise God for His unmerited favour and saving grace upon my life..

It's not hy chance I survived fat embolism..it was a miracle from God Himsel. Jesus will always be my Saviour..I will never forget how much God loves me and how much he delights in me..

My advice to you is the time is near, Jesus will return very soon ..in the clouds of glory according to bible prophecy. Everyone will see Him..even those who pierced Him..and He will reward everyone according to their deeds.

So may you also trust in God no matter what you have to endure..I trusted in Jesus even at the point of death...and called upon my God to save me while I was lying on a ventilator..and He heard my cry and my supplication..

So may you to call upon God at that moment of despair. There is power in God...and in the name of Jesus. I will always acknowledge Jesus for saving my life.. and that is why I'm sharing my story with the world..Nevet lose hope...This is my real life story..may you be blessed by my story