

Past Present Future ( NOT about English Grammar)
Don't worry!! I am not going to teach you any grammar in English. It's all about which one is best place to be past present or future?

Memories make us connect to past

Dreams make us connect to future

Unfortunately there is nothing as such to make us connected to present and this is the reason most people are not present minded but absent minded.

But if we try to disconnect from past and future we will get connected to present.

Why should we be connected to present?????

1. Because if you want to do something you can't go to past and do , similarly you can't go to future and do. You can only do in present. That is where you can do what you wish with what you have.

When some event take place in outside world first and then some place in ur head/brain it is past which will be in the form of memories.

When something happens in ur head first and then in outside world then it is future which will be in the form of dreams.

But in the present events will simultaneously taking place in your mind and outside world.

So PRESENT is the place any one live in.

Dear readers stay connected with your present.

#pastlife #future #present #thoughtful #time #memories #dreams #mind