

The Cold Kingdom

Nothing changed. Niether the kingdom nor the coldness. But what followed next was even more scary, more heart wrenching, more superstitious, it was the "curse". The curse, for the king and it's kingdom. The curse, that the Royal family are suffering from since ages till this date. But they kept it a secret. Because if they won't, the villagers will lose their faith in the power of the diety like the King they worshipped their entire life.

The curse was not for the prince to sleep to death, neither was it for the King to die a miserable death. Rather it was a life. A cursed life.

No one knows what the curse is exactly or why the the Royal family became a part of it. Honestly, I don't care really. For 6 generations, my ancestors have protected the Royal family from innumerable attacks except for when it was the time for the curse to take its part. I've only heard it from my grandfather. He was a great warrior. The best knight honoured by the court of the King. He had a heart of a metal and skull of the same. His mind was as sharp as his sword that bloodied I don't know how many lives.

The villagers say, he was the human encyclopedia of the time. The only annoying thing about him was that he'd always start a conversation with one thing and ultimately make us hear how grandmother stole his heart. "His heart was made up of a pure flower". That's what my grandmother said. That's the only thing I remember of her saying to me. When I was a kid, the only time when I acted like one was when I was around my grandfather. He'd give me a ride on his horse, who's name was so Irish, it was difficult to pronounce for a 3 year old. So, I just named it I-ri.

I-ri was just another grandfather with a body that of a black horse. His hair was so soft to my little fingers. Absentmindedly, my fingers were tracing those carved symbols of the sharp sword my grandfather left behind.

The last present of my grandfather reminded me of the reality. Now, it was time for me to pick up the sword.

© Blue C.

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