

USI ch#05
Chapter 5
The Need and Necessity of Unity. Section a
How to Reunite Islam.
Section b Removal of Fractions. Section – a
HOW TO REUNITE ISLAM Glancing over the present position, we find different organizations in the world working for economic co-operation, military assistance, humanitarian assistance and political assistance. Names of some of unions or organizations are SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation), ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations), EU (European Union), NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), UNO (United Nations Organization) and USA (United States of America). We find SAARC, ASEAN and EU are the unions of nations for economic co-operation. These unions have got states, which are geographically contagious. We see that these regional unions of the countries would be stronger if their linkage factors of union are more. In these three already under discussion unions of the countries EU has one advantage more over the other two mentioned unions, and that advantage is the common religion of the member states of the union. We see this common religion is the advantage which these countries of EU has got to become one political union like that of United States of America, over other unions for Economic Co-operations, i.e. SAARC and ASEAN. Fortunately in the world, we have three unions of the Muslim states, which have all of its members as Muslim states. They are OIC, Arab League and ECO. OIC is a very big forum and member countries are having different political influences and are laid over in the many contents. The large size of OIC is the hindrance for becoming a political union in one step. Second is Arab League, which is a community of Arab states having common language, religion, race, and geographical proximity has the capabilities of becoming one political state, as there are many factors for facilitating these Arab states to become one state, as United States of America. The third union of regional Muslim states for economic co-operation is ECO. ECO was first RCD comprising of three member states of Iran, Pakistan and Turkey. After the disintegration of former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic Afghanistan, Karghazistan, Tukamanistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Azer Baijan have been included into it. All of these regional states have passed form big political turmoil in the near past. They were in different political influences, therefore, the interaction between these regional states was nominal in the past. But with the change of world political situation, these countries are again free to re-link the old cultural religious and economic links to become one political state. The union of the countries, i.e. ECO has all the capabilities of becoming one political state because it has many factors, which would be helpful for forming ECO into one political state. The geographical proximity which is the most important feature in uniting different states in to one union, usually accompany with other features of unity that is related culture, language and races. The geographical contagious states in ECO has got the main factor needed for unity is common religion over other regional co=operation forums i.e. SAKAK and ASEAN. Now-a-days due to changed world scenario, their dependency of economics and trade on each other would increase. Central Asia is called heart of the world by military Geographic’s experts, an it is claimed by them that who controls Central Asia, he would control the world. As Muslims are the inhabitants of Central Asia, so justice demands Muslims should themselves control the world, not some other power which is not from this area, i.e. Central Asia. Section – b
Iqbal has called Afghanistan as heart of Asia. If the heart, i.e. Afghanistan is sick, the rest of the body can not become healthy. Afghanistan is passing from a big political and military turmoil. The position of Afghanistan in the union, i.e. ECO is central. The tribes of Afghanistan have spread out of Afghanistan to neighboring countries. Such as Pashtoons have spread out to Pakistan and down to India and Bangladesh, Tajik mostly to Iran and Tajikistan, Turkeman to Turkamanistan and Uzbekistan etc. Afghanistan, which was previously kingdom, is passing through process of political evolution to form a stable government. In near past the reigns of the government were with one person called as Amir ul Momineen. Amir ul Momineen is second name for Caliph. Afghans, being Orthodox Muslims, are inclined toward the old traditional type of Muslim system of government in Afghanistan. The previous Amir ul Momineen was from Pashtoon area. Most of the Pashtoons were reluctant to accept that Amir ul Momineen as head of the government, therefore, their forces were not behind the previous Amir ul Momineen, then what to talk of those tribes, which were not of Pashtoon origin, but were from Uzbek, Tajik, Turkaman and Hazara origins. Afghanistan is the country where the genealogical links of the masses have been preserved. If on the already created seat of Amir ul Momineen of Afghanistan, a person from the family of the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him), i.e. Ahl e Baith is made to succeed, then being from the neutral origin, he would be accepted to the tribes of Afghanistan more easily than an Afghan from Pashtoon origin or from some other tribe of Afghanistan. Selection of person from Ahl e Baith would cause to cement all the Afghan tribes and fractions, because this person would be equally accepted to the Shia community of Afghanistan as Imam, being his genealogical linkage with Ahl e Baith. This way the head of the state of Afghanistan would easily become Amir ul Momineen , who would be Caliph for Ahl Sunnat community of Afghanistan and Imam to Shia community of Afghanistan. By combining Khilafat and Imamath in one personality of Amir ul Momineen, would help to remove the oldest rift between the Shia and Sunni schools of thoughts, which started just after the death of the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him) from the mosque of Banu Saqifa, where Al-Baith were not consulted in the choice of Caliph due to need of occasion, which was a decision on spur of the moment, not deliberate. About some thirteen and a half centuries before, Ullama of the Muslim world signed on the decision of King-Caliph Amir Muawiya, that to avoid bloodshed among the Muslims, Yazeed, son of Muawiya was declared as Crown Prince. This action of Ullama was the demand of that time of Muslim world. Whereas, the situation of Afghanistan demands a person from the Ahl e Baith to the throne of Khilaft in Afghanistan. The choice of Caliph from Ahl e Baith would be source of unity and solace to the masses of the Afghanistan and also for the masses of the neighboring states, especially member states of ECO; to cement these countries more in unity, name such as Islamistan or United States of Islam would be more helpful. The assembly of heads of the states and government of member states of the union could be named as grand Shura, which can select or elect any person among themselves or from the ECO countries as head of the government of the union of these countries, i.e. United States of Islam. The Caliph, already, processed out form the political evolution of Afghanistan can act as head of the union, similar to king of Japan or Queen of England with nominal power, but this traditional seat of Khilafat would be more helpful in bringing back unity among the people of ECO, i.e. USI and would make it politically much stronger country, similar to USA with lesser time period as required for some other regional union with out the presence of the proposed seat of Caliph for mutual integration. If the political process for changing ECO into a political union with Caliph from Ahl e Baith and prime minister selected/ elected from the member states is achieved, then the real reason of disintegration of Muslim empire, i.e. denial the seat of Khilafat to Ahl e Baith would be met, this would be much helpful in removing the differences in the factions in the masses. Whereas, choosing the head of the government, i.e. prime minister by the grand shura from, among themselves or from the masses would integrate all people of the union. The member states would be free to have their own local political systems. The example of Ell would be followed to achieve this unity as Ell has passed from this process.
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